I got tagged for the first time! twice .-.

21 2 1

I feel like the Keebler elf!!!! anyways I got tagged by BlackCatV11 ~ so thx... I guess

1. favorite song

screen, by Twenty one pilots

2. favorite sport


3. favorite band

Panic! at the Disco or Twenty one Pilots

4. favorite show

( not counting anime) its a mix between Supernatural and American Horror Story

5. favorite movie

don't have one

6.favorite color


7.favorite food

all food is loved except for guacamole

8.favorite drink

chi tea

9. favorite video game

either The Legand of Zelda Wind Waker or Fallout 4

tag 15 people: ( I don't have 15 people to tag .-.)







                                                                                 second tag

once again from BlackCatV11 thx man

1. favorite color

ultra marine .-.

2. OTP

Ereri ( Eren x Levi) or Kagahina ( Kagayama x Hinata)


Straight .-.

4. last time you cried and why?

NOnE of YOur BuSINess I CRi when I CRI OK

5. first Best Friend


6. third pic on camera roll

it was my first time cosplaying without Bocchan ok I know its bad

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it was my first time cosplaying without Bocchan ok I know its bad... geez i'm ugly I know don't comment about it pls

7.favorite movie

again I don't have one :./

8.single or taken

single ( forever alone)

9. pets

3 cats that are all douches and a dog < he's pretty cool

10 Tags!

 I SHALL TAG...... answers after this short message




SAME PEOPLE (  cuz I don't have many followers .-.)

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