I really need to start going to sunday services

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Standing between two things that shouldn't exist kinda messes you up. Like, mentally, at this point it's Satan staring down the two snake ladies and vise-versa. Finally Demon kid cocks the shotgun and fires at the first Gorgon. All while screaming "die!". The bullets tore up her stomach and she crumbles to golden sand. Odd, I thought, but then again I wasn't understanding what was going on. I couldn't move, only watch as my devilish stalker was saving my behind.
The second Gorgon hurled herself out the window and ran. "It couldn't have been this easy" I thought, then goat legs turned to me, shotgun pointed at my chest. "Woah" I yelped, putting my hands in the air "look your uhhh.. unholiness, I'm sorry for whatever I've don-" he cut me off with a laugh and looked at me. "Dude I'm not Satan, I'm a satyr, straight from camp Half-blood". I looked at him confused, Half-blood? Is that supposed to be offensive? I didn't like the sound of it.
The satyr then took out a walkie talkie and said "ok Butch, bring the chariot around, we got 'em" He looked out the broken window, as he put the walkie talkie in his long curly hair. Gross. He looked back at me and smiled "well that's the worst of it" he sighed in relief "now it's time for yo-. He was cut off by the piece of broken desk, that I threw. It hit him in his forehead and he crumpled to the floor. I grabbed the shotgun and ran out the room, just as soon as the rest of the students start to wake up. I ran out into the spring air. A cool breeze hits my face as I run toward my apartment, relishing the idea to fall in my floor and contemplate my existence.

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