First Day

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Gerald Pov

"Well, Look at this school. Big asf better than Magic Tech lol. Me, Piper and Flex is in magic school heaven. I'm Gerald age 22, Gemini, Tri-Polar, meaning Crazy, Cool and Evil. I do dark magic, good magic didnt cut out for me. Piper is the same age and She a Aries and she's not Glida if you know what I mean. Flex is Slow but a very good Warlock now. I been train by the best witches and warlocks Hogwarts and Hoodwarts. My mother and father parish when I was younger at age 7. Their power emerge into me making me stronger than all. My sister's our actually running this place. My sister Cha-Qu is Head Mistress here she runs everything and my older sister who is above me and Cha-Qu a teacher, Professor Roman. Roman is her name to be exact and she teaches us how to make our own potions. Me and my friends been doing this at a young age we just wanna be show offs and ruin Harry and the rest of his gang how its done. As we making our way up to the school Harry and his sidekicks was walking up and I had to say something."

Me-Well Look her Piper and Flex, Look at the Power of 3 as I like to call them. Ron, Hermoine and Harry Potter the boy with the scare. Well I'm Gerald the boy who going to ruin your life over the next four years, You thought lord Voldermore was scary you havent met.....

Cha-Qu- ME! Head mistress at Hoodwarts. You playing in my playground

Professor Snake- Now...

Cha-Qu- You're fired! Now that, pack your bags and leave this moment

Hermoine- Now thats enough

Gerald- No thats enough Head mistress Cha-Qu is heading back to her quarters and she said her piece.

"I cast a spell and make Snake vanish from the school and as usual the power of three had their wands out and pointed out at me and my friends Piper and Flex poof behind them having a stare off who going to cast the first spell, we wonder. The bell rang for first class and we all in the same class potion making 101 with no other then Professor Roman. Everybody but my Gang Gang, doesn't know Im related to Cha-qu and Roman and we plan on keeping it that way. My sister, Headmistress, Husband Sam Rame a.k.a Sinister Rame. He is the most gruesome Warlock there is, thats why my sister love him. They met in Dark Studies a couple years back here at this school and it haven't been the same since the last Head Mistress Violet Sims Vanish and we don't know where she is. Class over thank god, my sister teaching me the same stuff so she doesnt call on me and gang gang because we know everything but later down the semester we gotta plan to show off.

Few hours Later

Piper Pov

"Hey you know me by now, But I didnt care what you think darkness rules. I use my powers for everything evil and it feels good to me. Enough of that, its been a few hours since we been here and everything is cool since we graduated High school, we can use our powers out if school but we gotta be careful because Hogwarts made Guardians. Guardians are the the Power of good pft Nasty right being good but if they catch us using our powers we get our wand tooken and expelled out the current school we are enrolled in. Me i never get caught because I killed an Guardian before and Head Mistress Violet Sims didnt bother. Violet Sims is my Auntie. My mother died when I was 16 just getting threw high school. Its my job to find my auntie with or without the Guardians help. My boyfriend Victor Lestrange come from and Great evil Lord V and Bellatrix our his parents. They be secretly hiding him away but he came back for this school year. He goes by Victor Les so nobody knows his true self. I walk with the gang gang and I see the Power of 3 and Luna. My boyfriend hates Luna she and Victor cross paths awhile ago. So i made the bitch a drink of my favorite potions that turns you into and slug every time she says a word with an s haha.

Me- Nice slug you have there(everybody laughs)

Hermoine- Evil never prevails Piper remember that!

Me- This year it will stuck up slut

Hermoine- WHAT YOU CALL ME...


Hermoine-(mouths starts to close shut-

Me-Next time shut up and tell yo friend to act right

Ron-You cant do that

Gerald-Why cant she Ron?

Ron-(shutters) ca-cause it..

Gerald- Cause what spit it out Junior

Harry-(chants) Enough!

"I dont know what Harry did but we all got separated. But we was leaving anyway before Gearld got mad and once he's mad his sister knows and its over. Me and the rest of the squadd went out for drinks, Night in the town. Leo Wyatt is the Capital Guardian A white lighter. His wife and sister-in-laws and sons are known witches and warlocks but its only him and his kids and Paige left. so we dont fuck with them. Cause we're evil and they not.

Gerald- Harry getting stroner and Im growing weak

Flex- Actually when yall together yall powers are the same Level.

*Flex can read power level on the witches and warlocks*

Flex- Yall are equally match, your power comes down to match his but on two different levels you can out grow him.

Victor- But he defeated my father!

Me-Piper but we go bring him back with your blood once we graduate.

Gerald- Yeah bringing back A powerful warlock like your father back is years of training

Victor- We got time...

Wassup Did you like the Very First chapter? This is a give away the next fives chapter will be release in a couple days!!!!!!!!!! The actors are from Harry Potter Movies, Disney, Shadow Hunter, Charmed and Two Entertainers and Empire!

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