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I walk down a stone path.. trees of orange and yellow on each side, sunlight beaming through the leaves. I kept walking, feeling the click of my shoes along the stone. I hear a light sound of birds chirping and the wind in the distance, I'm wearing a nice grey sweatshirt that feels very warm and soft on the inside.. Which makes my walk ten times better. A cool breeze runs across my face, I shiver but keep walking.

I sit down on a nice dry patch of grass, and put my drawing book down. I take out pencils that I had taken from home onto the ground near my book, I picked the two things up after I had adjusted my siting position.

I open the book, slowly looking through my past drawings and finding a clear page to work on. I take one of the lead pencils from the ground and start drawing.. I don't know what I am going to draw but, I'll come up with an idea when I'm done the sketch of whatever it is my mind sets it's goal to. I swiftly make my pencil go up and down along the paper, marking the white material with a light grey color. The drawing turns into a wolf kind of creature, Not one quite yet.

I keep making light marks with the pencil, the wolf starts to appear very clear now.. The fur, eyes, body figure, and personality is present. I begin to put darker lines, making the drawing a bit more lively.

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