Can We Just Stop Yelling?!

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*Author Notes*

What you think about Stiles and Bay?!?!?!?! I think Its cute :)


"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!?!?!?!?!" I hear someone yell and I pull away from Stiles. I look at me REALLY angry brother.

"Scott, please calm down." I tell him walking up to him

"CALM DOWN!!! CALM DOWN!! MY SISTER AND BEST FRIEND WERE KISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!!?!?????/?" He was screaming at me and I have never been yelled at this much.

'Can we stop yelling?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!??!?!!?" I yell at him and he turns around and looks at me. He looked hurt. Welcome to the club buddy.

"Get in the house!!!!!!!!!!!" he yells at me and grabs me his claws digging into me.

'Let go your hurting me!' I shout but he doesn't let go. He looks at Stiles.

"Stay AWAY from my sister. If you don't I'll rip your throat out!" He slams the door and I finally get away from him.

"You're more like dad then I thought you were." I say looking at him and I run up the stairs and slam my door and lock it to make sure he doesn't come in. And I climb into my bed and cry myself to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of the alarm. I sigh and hit the alarm I didn't wanna get up. I don't wanna talk to Scott. I just wanna scream. I sigh again and get up off the bed and walk to the closet. I finally find something and take it out of the closet. I walk to the bathroom and change and do my hair. I grab my phone off charge, grab my bookbag and my purse and I quickly run down stairs. I was one foot out the door when someone grab my shoulder and I stop dead in my tracks and turn around. I sigh when I see it's Isaac and not Scott or Mom.

"Your in a hurry." he says taking his hand away from me and softly smiles. "I heard the whole thing last night. The screaming, the slamming of the door and the crying..." he continues and I nod

"Well he's been gone since then. He not here. He left shortly after you fell asleep." he says looking at me and I nod

"Well i'm going to get me breakfast so yeah." I say and I walkout the door before he could say anything else shuting the door. I put in my earbuds and I begin to walk. My dad showed me the way when I first came here since he knew how much I love to walk. I take out my phone and look for a song. I picked 'Someone Like You' By Adele since I love her and her music. I decide not to check my Twitter or Instagram because I don't wanna start worrying about make friends or the feeling I get when I think of m friend at my old school. I sigh and text my dad to tell him i'm liking it here. I knew it was a lie but I didn't want him to worry about me or anything. I push send as I get to the school parking lot. I take out my earbuds and put my them and my phone in my bag. And I walk into the school I braise myself as I walk into the office.

"May I help you?" a lady with brown hair asks. I nod and smile at her.

"I'm new and I need my schedule." I and she smiles back at me

"Bay McCall?" she asks and I nod. She hands me my stuff and I say thank you and go to find my locker. When I see Scott and Isaac both coming down the hall towards me. I don't stop I continue to walk until I find my locker when I do I put in my locker combo to make sure it works and I sigh when I open it.

"Bay we need to talk." Scott says in a softer voice then he had last night,

"You know what I don't feel like talking. You told him to say away from me and so yeah I'll say away to. Go be with your best friend. don't let me stop you" I say slamming my locker shut and turn on my heels and walk away. I wasn't lying when I said i'd stay away from him. He's my brothers not mine anyway.


*Author Notes*

Drama! Haha don't worry in the next chapter they make up. And you just might see Stiles and Bay together :) TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :)

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