When Things Go Wrong «Jackass»

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This is a fan fiction about Jackass. Its a Johnny/Bam ship. This is also in loving memory of Ryan Dunn, That man was an awesome man. I will never forget him #RIPRyanDunn.

"Hey bam come here" Johnny waved him over. "Yeah?" Bam answered as he walked over.

"There's a skit coming up, it's where one of us wrestles a bear" Johnny told him as He patted his shoulder "You're wrestling him" he said then walked away before he could say a thing. Bam groaned in annoyance then walked to the area where all the directors were standing or sitting.

"Jeff I need to talk to you about the skit" Bam told Jeff. Jeff patted his shoulder.. which a lot of people have been doing.

"Oh good you're ready" Jeff said as he turned then shouted at the camera men to start rolling.

Ryan walked up to bam with a grin "Good luck out there" he said and slung his arm around his shoulder. Ryan and Bam were inseparable, They hung out the most and joked around the most. They loved each other like brothers and fought like them too.

Bam frowned and walked to the bear cage they had inside the small zoo type place. Johnny bit his nail as Bam climbed in, He couldn't help but laugh at the stunt. "Whooo!" You could hear Steeve-o cheering on, Pontius also gave a few cheers.

Bam put on a helmet and started to walk to the bear, As soon as he got up the bear it stood up on it's hind legs. Bam looked up at the bear that was now twice his. The bear swiped at him and bam tackled it down, The bear automatically went into the defense mode as Bam tried to keep it down. The bear rolled over then started clawing at him. Bam got a giant claw mark across his face and down his chest.

Bam collapsed in seconds, The crew stopped filming and quickly went in to help. Ryan was the first in there then Johnny ran in "Bam! Oh fuck.. is he dead?!" Ryan shouted as he tried to roll him over.

Johnny turned him over when Ryan leaned back putting his hands on his face. Johnny looked up at Jeff for a few seconds "Call 911" He told Jeff

Ryan looked at Bam's bloody chest and coughed while trying not to throw up "I.. I have to get out of here" he muttered.

Johnny nodded his head and put his hand on Ryan's shoulder "Go watch for the paramedics" he said then pulled his attention back to Bam. Bam moved his arm slightly as he attempted to open his eyes.

"Johnny..?" He could barely speak out. Johnny quickly looked at his face as he spoke "Bam, Don't move the paramedics are on the way" Johnny said softly in a comforting tone

Bam nodded slowly as he struggled to breath "It hurts.." Bam whimpered in pain as he moved his hand to find something to grip onto. Johnny took Bam's hand and looked up at Rick "Dude this is bad" He looked around at the rest of the guys.

Ryan came back into the cage and knelt down "the paramedics aren't here yet, I have Erhen watching" He told them as he looked down as Bam. "He's awake" Johnny told Ryan. Ryan smiled a little as Bam opened his eyes "Hey buddy" Ryan said softly.

"Hey man, Could you do me.. a huge.. favor and.. call Ape?" Bam said slowly as he tried to catch his breath. Ryan nodded "yeah I'll call them when we get to the hospital"

"Okay thanks" Bam smiled as best as he could.

A few more minutes passed and the paramedics arrived. They took bam into the emergency room and they allowed Ryan and Johnny to go in with him. Ryan kept looking at Johnny, he didn't understand why he kept by Bam's side.

After they stitched him up and cleaned the wounds they brought him to a room, His parents just got there as they took him into the room. Johnny and Ryan were still in the room with him and April and Phil finally entered "Oh my god my baby" April said as she got to the bed "What happened to him?" She asked Ryan.

"We were doing a skit and a bear.. hurt him pretty bad" He told her, Her face turned quickly to an angry/worried look "And you let him do this?!" She shouted.

"Mom!" Bam yelled then winced in the pain from his chest, She turned to look at him "I could've said no, But I didn't" he said through a clinched jaw.

"Bam you could've been killed" She said as she walked to the side of the bed. He took her hand and tried to move his head to look at her "But I didn't, Don't be mad at Ryan or Johnny.. or Jeff or any of the guys, I chose to do this and it's not their fault" His voice kept cracking.

Johnny stood up and walked to April "We won't be letting him do any more stunts for a long time" April looked at johnny and then hugged him, He patted her back and then she let go "Thank you" she turned to Jeff who was standing in the far side of the room.

"You! You are never letting him do anything life threatening again!" She shouted and started to walk toward him.

Bam groaned and tried to sit up "Mom!" He barely had a voice, Johnny put his hand on Bam's shoulder "Shh don't strain yourself, I'll talk to her" He said quietly. Bam nodded and looked up at Johnny. Johnny gestured for Ryan to come and comfort bam as he walked to April.

"Mrs Margera, If you'd like I'll keep him at my house. I'll keep an eye on him and make sure he eats, bathes, sleeps and doesn't move too much" Johnny told her, She sighed then nodded "Alright, That would be good.. I mean Ryan would be there and you both could take care of him.. my nerves are shot right now" she put her hands on her face "Bam are you alright with that?" She asked him.

"Yeah" he said briefly "I'll have to stay here until they make sure the bleeding stops"

"Mr and Mrs Margera, May I have a word?" The doctor asked as he stepped in. "Of course" Phil told him.

"Okay Bam has a very good chance of going him in a few days, The main point of this conversation is the bear only got him a few times. With his previous accidents I'd say it wouldn't have been this bad but with the size and strength of the bear the claws got him deep. I think he shouldn't ever try that again" the doctor told them "Also he should stay away from any stunts concerning fast movement or falling that could rip open the wounds again" April nodded then Johnny nodded as well.

"He will be staying with Mr Knoxville over there and Mr Dunn" The nurse told the doctor

"Very well, Did you hear what I said?" He asked. They nodded.

"Good, Now it's time for him to get rest. Plus visiting hours are over" the doctor told them.

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