13 here we go...

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13, does the label mean anything?

Well let me tell you the two feelings a girl turning 13 always has (atleast I know I did), "oh my god, I'm finally going to be a teen! Goodbye childhood years and hello teens! It's gonna be a blast!"- that was the first.

The second would be, "Uuugghh no I don't want to be 13! I can't face being a teen-I'm not ready for this! I want to stay young forever!"

I guess like Peter Pan always said," Don't grow up, it's a trap". And he was right, but what he didn't say was that growing up is the greatest time of your life and it never stops till you die. Growing up can be so much fun, an adrenaline rush of sorts but can also mean that you have to face the hard facts of life and just push through.

Being 13 doesn't necessarily mean anything, let me just tell the girls who are younger that your big hopes of suddenly becoming 13 and gaining some sort superpower is not true. You don't suddenly have this new-found knowledge of how the world works and it's hidden secrets. You're just you, with an extra year added to your timeline and though this is said to make you feel younger;  13 is really just a number. No added specialties or loyalties. Heck, it's actually added pressure. Have you ever visited your relatives and accidently done someone wrong? Is this what you got in return- "oh, (Y/N) you're older now, you're 13 you have to stop with these little childish things- try to act your age."

I just hate it when that happens, they actually try to make you feel bad over what your age is; it means nothing! You and I both know it but don't use my age against a mistake I accidently made!

Okay, now let's just say that being 13 actually means something other than being a number. What does it do? Does it give you some kind of privilege of sorts? I mean can you go into a place and say that you're 13 and they give you something for it? Well if it does then I sure as hell haven't gone to a place like that! Where is it? Can I go there? Please?

No, it just doesn't work like that. I mean if any age actually meant something then it would be 18- you're officially an adult. Obviously extra pressure but I think it means something. Then there's obviously 16- driver's license! And 21, legal drinking age(not that I'm exactly looking forward to it...idk)

So let's rewind, a week before my 13th birthday- I'm all worked up about becoming 13 and all that shit. But then the night right before the 'big day', I'm not even bothered by it. Like literally I thought that it would be like a time portal kinda thing- like I would actually be able to feel it when I went from being 12 to being 13. Ya, I know that's weirdly stupid but still. It felt like I had some kind of epiphany and I just understood that being 13 means nothing that's actually important.

I guess you can say that it's one step closer to meaning something but until then you're just plain old 13 you.

Confessions of a 13 year-oldWhere stories live. Discover now