Wings of fire truth or dare Part 32

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Fatespeaker: hey guys how come the creater never gets dares?!Its so un fair how she has all the power!Even now as shes typoing she can control what i say!!

Tsunami:Ya i think its time that she gets to know how we fell!! whos with me and fatespeaker?! happy plus i wanna stay here with starflight..

fatespeaker:*death stare* FIne only for now

sunnys head:(hes mine..)


Tsunami:well who else!?

Clay:Im done im in!Peral?

Peral:Yes im in plus i get to be with Clay


Glory:im in so is deathbringer!

Deathbringer:ya plus i was forced

Faterspeaker:Alright and were off!!


Me:oh what to do what to do there planing on attacking me but i can write what they know what let them surprise me!I can take it!

*Suddenly the sound of claws hitting the stone can be heard*

Me:well well who could that be maybe the dragons who are after me?

*only silence as the lights suddenly go out*

me:oh ya!so scary im terrified!!HA As if!

*suddenly there is growling as i can hear a deep figure in front of me*

Me:and who could you be if i may ask?Also please get a breath mint!!

*Lights go on showing Darkstalker*

*Jumps and is scared*

me:What the F****?!

Darkstalker:So your the creater?HA!nobody can control me so your hopeless i can control you!!

me:*Runs away and goes back to my world*

Darkstalker:OK shes gone

*reveals to be alot of rainwings in one as they part*

Everyone exept sunny and starflight:YAAY!!!Shes gone!

Tsunami: Freedom at last!!!


Me:Those dragons their gonna pay!!!!

*Gets computer*

*writes there worse nightmares exept for sunny and starflight*

Me:In 3..2..1 ok now lets go back

*Goes back to that world*

*Everyone is sitting in a corner scared*

Me: Don't mess with me next time and you wont have this understand? 

Me:Oh ya i was dared to do this from a friend so dont kill me kill them alright love you all!

*walks away*

Clay:Never mess with her again...

*Everyone is still in fear as i laugh happy,and hangs out with sunny and starflight*

Sunny:What did you do to them?

Starflight:ya im cirious as well?

Me:I made there worst fears come to life then gave them peace,there still scaredf i didnt do it to you guys because you the nice ones so thank you

sunny and starflight:Thank god and your welcome..


OK thats all for this episode i hope you all like it and i will see you all next time!!LOve you all dragonets!OH and tell me if you have read the 9TH book at all?It would be fun to talk abou and what dares will be next you decide!!

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