the first day

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This chapter is about the first day me and Kayla were friends.
          Kayla was new at the school and so was I and it was about the 25th day of school and she became a new student in my class and she sat next to me in morning meeting and I helped her throughout the day,and when it was time for recess I took out my LPs or littlest pet shop and she had hers too and she said "you play with these too?" I nodded my head and we played together for the rest of the year....mostly.
We played the whole recess and got to know each other better and stuff like that.But then i forgot but one of us asked to be friends and of course we said yes and we were friends our recess was thirty minutes long and we played and talked the whole time and I am sure she will agree if she is reading this.Then recess was over and we put up our toys said bye and went back to our desks and we sat at the same table I am pretty sure we did all year or we sat close to each other.Then we did calendar of course we sat next to each other.Then it was the end of the day and we went to another teachers classroom because we were in wave 2 and we played every day in that classroom too and talked a LOT there too she was my best friend and I was r best friend we were practically made best friends for each other.

Drama friendshipOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz