Ch.1 The Beginning of The End

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I woke up like every other day. "Y/N! Get up! You're gonna be late for school!" I heard my mother yell. I got up stumbling a bit cause I was tangled up in my blanket.

I quickly changed into some clothes after a nice warm shower.

I smiled as I ran hand through my straight hair. I ran down stairs as I heard my mother's loud voice once again. I chuckled and walked into the kitchen. She was watching the news.

"Good morning mom." I smiled as she turned around smiling. "Laur will be here any second." I nodded. I looked at the the tv as the tv reporter was talking.

"Now we still don't know what's happening and where this virus is coming from-"

I changed the channel and stopped once I saw a lady in front of a hospital.

"Rick Grimmes. The sheriff was shot durning a high pursuit chase. Officers were able to st-

"Y/N Laur is here. Come on sweetie you'll be late. Your dad and I well 've home a little late today okay." I quickly turned off the tv and ran to wars the front door.  I nodded and kissed her cheek as I ran out side.

"Bye mom." I waved. She smiled and waved back. I smiled as saw Lauren standing by her car and waiting. I smiled and jumped on her.

"I missed you." I heard Lauren chuckle as she wrapped her arms around my waist. "Babe you saw me yesterday." I smiled and shrugged. "So that's still tooo long." I pecked her cheek.

"Okay well I missed you to. Now come on bevel were late."


We soon arrived at school. As we walked hand in hand we saw Dinah and the girls. I smiled

"Hey love birds." Dinah said turning around and as she had her arm over Normani's shoulder. Ally was standing next to Austin.

"Hey guys." Lauren and I said as we stopped in front  them. We all have been good friends since we were little kids.

"Have y'all seen the news?" Ally said as she looked at us with her eyes filled concern.

"Yeah I saw it this morning. Something about a virus spreading. But they said the same thing back in 2012. So don't think to much about it Alz." Austin said as he wrapped his arm around Ally. Ally nodded and relaxed.

"Alright I gotta go to gym class I'll see you all later." Austin said as he smiled and waved good bye to us. "Bye Aust!" Ally smiled and waved. We all chuckled and shook our heads as we made our way towards History.


I sat next to Lauren as we sat in the back row. It went Lauren and I, Dinah and Normani, and Camila and Ally.

I looked Dinah and she had her head resting on her arms as she had her head down, with her eyes closed. I smiled.

It was quite like really quite the only thing you'd be able to hear was the movie which was Saving Private Ryan. I looked around the room to see most of students actually watching the movie. I turned my head slightly to see Lauren who was looking down at our hands.

She turned her head to look at me and caught me staring. I quickly looked at the movie. Feeling my cheeks heating up. I heard giggle and kiss my cheek.

"You're cute." I heard her whisper. But before I could answer we heard screams coming from outside the classroom followed by heavy foot steps. Then the intruder alarm went off. Causing everyone to jump including Dinah to jump up from her sleep.

Mr.Simms quickly and quietly told us to get in the back of the class and to shut up while he ran to the door.

We all quickly got up and ran to the corner. Lauren pulling me in her embrace as I was slightly shaking but so was she. Camila, Dinah, Normani and Ally stood besides us. Dinah holding on to Normani.

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