Chapter Twelve: Evangelina

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Cierra had given me a knife after I told her I needed to get out of that little shelter of theirs. My back still ached and my entire body was sore, my leg was in no condition to be doing anything but I just couldn't sit around. 

After offering to get some food supplies from the near by tree Sorren couldn't stop pestering me to come but I wouldn't let her. She looked like she was in more pain then I was, and she needed some rest after yesterday's episode. I can't believe she just passed out like that! I also can't believe Cierra and her aren't talking, I thought they were close friends. 

But anyway, here I am, alone, behind the wall, a knife in my pocket, looking for a simple tree that has food and water close to it. 


"She said go straight then turn right after the bush, what bush?!" I mumbled to myself passing by the flat ground, littered with trash and dying plants. But there was no bush! I started to swing the knife around in circles playing with it and wishing I knew how to whistle. My foot was wrapped up-still throbbing, but I payed no attention to it and continued my search. My, my, were could it be. 

I turned to my thoughts while I wondered, making sure I wouldn't get lost. I woke up screaming when Cierra had her bow and arrow on my nose but they are actually kind of nice. They didn't do anything irrational-all they did was act upon finding a girl-who looks crazy-and then they welcomed her.  Sorren had passed out for a few minutes almost an hour and I think she's still down. After she passed out the two of them will probably never be the same. I couldn't understand what had happened, this life was confusing. I wish I was on the other side of the wall though, ugh Avel! He ruined my life! At least I knew someone here-sorta. 

I spun around suddenly hearing a snap. I stopped twiddling the knife and held it up in a battle stand. God, I wish I knew how to fight. But living in Megro got me all fit and prepared for everything- except I never had a broken bone in the wild before! 

Calm down, you're probably just over exaggerating-nobody is there.  I thought to myself taking slow careful breaths. Suddenly, I heard another snap but louder behind me. I swirled around again, carefully watching. 

"Who's there." I called out, surprised that my voice didn't waver. Again, another snap but this time it was followed with a low growl. I turned around following the sounds until the growl sounded like it was right behind me-and it was. There was breathe on my neck and I slowly turned around. It was hideous. It looked like a bear but with red eyes. It was a on all fours and still as tall as me. It's teeth were sticking out of its mouth and drool was escaping it's lips. It had huge claws and more hair then the a normal bear. I stared at it about to drop my knife. I took a slow step back and it let out a growl stepping forward. 

"Nice beastie"  I would quietly say backing up, my hands up front. Every step back I took it took a step forward. Giving up I turned around and ran. Sprinting as fast as I could go hearing the beast behind me growling and running. I kept going not stopping until something caught my hair. I tried to run but was always pulled back due to a sharp pain in my head. I turned around. It was the tree I was supposed to get to, at least I think. 

I stood there trying to pull it out, the beast running toward me. My long lushes hair stuck in the tree. 

"No, no, no, no." I muttered to myself. What could I do? I have a knife in my hand, no, I can't, screw it. I took the knife and started to cut holding on to my hair, wincing as if I'm killing a part of me, which I guess I am. 

"Come on, come on," I kept repeating to myself until finally it was lose. I dropped my hair and sprinted, wondering how I look. Suddenly it was on me. I had no improvement at all with my hair and getting it out of the tree. But there was a large rock sitting there. I couldn't hurt the beast but I could distract it. I reached over struggling to grab the rock, reaching pulling and finally I had it in my hand. I grabbed it and hit him in the head knocking it off me. The I took the rock and showed it to his face. He growled. 


I took it in front of me and flicked my hand as if I were to throw it. 

Then I did. 

Missing the point of throwing it far so he could run after it, I hit him in the head knocking him out. 

I didn't know I was so strong. 

Then all the adrenaline left my body and I collapsed on the floor, the world spinning around me. Will they be able to find me? I wondered silently to myself before the world stopped spinning but was all dark. 

It all went black.  

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