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Hey! Can you guys please vote on the covers? :D I'm going to continue the story now:

"On that note, I have an important announcement. You shall be attending Olympus." Chiron said as bluntly as possible.

"WHAT!!!" all of us yelled, screamed, and shouted.


Leo's POV

I can't believe it! No way! We have to go to Olympus?! I've had enough of the gods. Can they just leave us alone for once? At least a summer of peace, just one. Then they can throw us into quests and death prophecies and stuff. But no, Chiron said they were asking for something from us, a "favor" for us to do.

"Repair boy? Leo?" said voices. Piper emerged behind a partly finished chicken nugget smoke screen with Jason filling her steps. Piper ran into him with an engulfing hug. "You okay, Leo?" She had tears gleaming in her multicolored eyes.

"You're the one crying, Beauty Queen." Piper let out something between a laugh and a sob.

"I'm just so sick of being a pawn, having my entire life played with. I want to be free from their clutches and live a normal life, as close as you can get to one being a demigod. I thought we were done after the war; I just thought-" she started crying again. Jason came and wrapped her up in a hug.

"We'll find out, Pipes." he whispered to her. I turned my back as they walked out. I sighed. I tried to tinker with some celestial bronze to take my mind off of things. My hands fiddled, but all I could think about was being called to Olympus tomorrow. It may be a start of another war. Just keep working Leo. My hands came up with a little... well actually I don't even know. I needed some fresh air. Wiping sweat of my brow, I walked out of Bunker Nine. The forest was deep here. You could see a small well worn path, leading back to camp. He remembered walking down that path so many times, building the Argo II. The birds were chirping like it was a total normal day. All of the sudden he heard singing coming down the path. It was mesmerizing. A beautiful girl, sunlight glistening on her caramel colored hair. Her dark almond eyes meet mine and she smiled sadly.

"Hey Sunshine." I said.

"Hey. How are you?"

"I've been better. You?"

"Same. You ready for tomorrow? I've packed for you already."

"Of course you have." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Leo, I'm nervous. I'm no longer immortal. Are they going to assign us a quest?" The thing is I wanted to comfort her and tell her everything is going to be alright, but I couldn't. I didn't know if everything was going to be alright. I had no idea want the gods were going to do, what we're going to do, and the the Fates were going to do. I walked up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll have to face it together." I said

"Together." Calypso squeezed my hand.

Hazel POV

I was walking with Frank in New Rome, holding hands. We got hot chocolate and walked up to the Garden of Bacchus, overlooking the valley. Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Nico, and Reyna all came up too. I was so happy. All of the sudden the sky darkened and lightning flashed. I pulled out my spatha and took a fighting stance. Dark shadows came and swirled around the me. I couldn't see. Then they closed in. I was being suffocated in darkness. I could feel myself fading.

"No..." Then they were gone in an instant. Taking deep breaths, dark spots faded from my vision. They sky was a bright blue. It seemed almost normal except it was dead silent. I quickly got up to see if my friends were okay. I choked back a sob. They were all dead, spread around the hill. I could feel their life forces no more. I screamed. This was all the gods fault! We had done so much for them! This is how they repay us! A deep chuckle vibrated across the valley.

"Hazel Levesque. I've been looonnnggging to meet you." The voice was raspy and melodic. It spread fear, cold as ice.

"Who are you?" I kept my voice strong, showing I'm not afraid.

"Why, that does not matter at the moment. Look at what you've done. Couldn't save your friends, could you?"

"I-I didn't do it."

"Alllll your fault, Ms. Levesque."


"So much for a hero."

'N-no! N-" I couldn't handle it, I broke down. The sky darkened once again and shadows rose.

"You're next, witch!!!" The shadows dove for me. They seemed to be speaking: "Hazel, Hazel, Hazel!" I woke up on my bed in the Barracks.

"Hazel, Hazel! Are you okay?!" said Frank. He was leaning over me with concern. I was tangled in the sheets, sweat on my forehead.

"Yeah. Ugh. Demigod dreams." It didn't seem to put him off. He wrapped his arms around, and held me. It was dark outside through the window. The vision was still haunting my mind. Before I could think of anything more, I fell asleep in Frank's arms.


Noises woke me up this time. I slept the rest of the night with out any dreams, thank the gods. I felt chilled. Rolling over, I expected to see Frank, but he was gone. I got dressed and went to the bathroom to tame my hair. After brushing my teeth, I walked outside of the Barracks. I looked off into the distance at New Rome. It was bustling of life. Frank came into my view, motioning for me to come. I ran and caught up. His hair was still wet from the baths and he had his praetor badge on his chest.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Reyna needs us! Something about Olympus!" I completely forgot to tell him about my dream.


HEY DEMIGODS!!! How was it? I"ll do a bit of Percabeth next chapter. Any other suggestions? Bye bye! :P


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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