Chapter 6. "We Can't afford it!"

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In Jenny's heart, she knew that it was Halloween. As she walked into her house, she let out a sigh of relief. When she closed the door, she closed her eyes for a few seconds and then while she had done that she had heard the doorbell ring. Jenny opened up the door and she saw the little boy the same one with orange-reddish hair, the T-Rex shirt on, and most of all the same scraped knee. She was curious to know where he went.

"Can you please help me?" He lifted up his leg just like before.

Jenny looked at his leg then said, "I'll just be a moment."

Jenny went to gather the medicines that she had earlier and she peeked into the hallway to make sure that the little boy was still there and thankfully he was. He was turned because he was staring at a bird flapping its wings. Jenny felt relieved.

"I can relax now." She said in her head. As Jenny closed her eyes for a moment, then looked in the mirror and the little boy turned back into position as he noticed her approaching with a smile on her face. Jenny sat down on his level again and asked him.

"Where did you go?"

"I was here the whole time." He replied to her. Jenny couldn't help but say to herself in her head. "He sure does talk pretty good for his age." She smiled up at him.

When she was putting some cream on his leg, Jenny had asked him. "What are you going to be for Halloween?"

"I don't know yet it's only July fourth." Jenny got Dejavu' again and but it was from earlier when Emily said. "It's July 4th my dear." The little boy noticed that inside of Jenny's house was fully decorated in all Halloween assets.

"You sure do like Halloween." He had acknowledged as he had smiled at Jenny.

"Oh yes, I love Halloween! You can be someone else for a night. What's your favorite part of Halloween?" She had asked him while putting the bandage on his leg.

The little boy smiled up at her and said with a grin "Candy." His eyes got really wide and there was a sparkle in his right eye. Jenny returned the smile and said "You're all fixed up for now."

"Thank you kindly lady."

"You're welcome, you can call me Jenny."

"Nice to meet you." He smiled and said "My name is Jacob."

"Nice to meet you Jacob."

They shook hands and Jenny smiled. But when they shook hands, Jenny instantly gotten a chill not from the wind either and that it was becoming stronger but by the coldness of the little boy's hand.

"Your hand is freezing."

"Sorry, but it's not, maybe it's yours." He was starting to think that this lady was pretty crazy. He started to giggle.

Jenny didn't know what was going on. But she smiled and said "What happened to your knee?"

The little boy automatically stopped laughing. He had got these hard eyes that were scared and he had even started to stutter.

"M-my-my dad." Jacob was getting really frightened now.

"Why he'd do that for?" She had asked him.

"I'll show you." Jenny got this look on her face, like she was surprised that he wasn't stuttering anymore. Jacob grabbed her hand. Jenny could feel his tiny chilled hand wrapped around hers.

"Come on!" Jacob said.

They both were running a few blocks away from her house. It was sunny out but soon the clouds in the sky were becoming darker. Jacob and Jenny were hiding behind a bush and Jacob said, "We got to be quiet." He had whispered.

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