(Chapter 1) Caged

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Hello peeps, I am Animal_Lover_17_ and I want to greet you all into the wonderful world of mixed bloods and no I do not mean the ones form Percy Jackson so if that was what you were hoping for TRUN AROUND!!

But all I all hope you like and enjoy this book (please also note that this is my first book I have ever written so go easy on me)

Thank you😉

I woke up, to the feel of hard cold bottom of my cage. I let out a long yawn as I stretch my self out like a dog that has just woken up from a long nap. As I sat up I ignored the long chains around my arms and feet as I moved around waking up a little more. I glanced around at my soundings taking in the cold metal bars of my cage. I moved a little closer to get a view of the area outside the metal prison. I saw rows upon rows of cages similar to mine staked and scooted close together, some were on wheels being rolled out by the scientist to do there testing or what ever you call it. I watched as they went back in forth down the rows of cages holding clip boards and pencils. "Same" I silently scoffed to my self turning away to sit down in the middle of the cage. "Well what did you expect?" I heard grumpy old voice say. I turned my head to the cage next to me to see who it was. 'go figure' it was Maya the grumpy old griffin that was in the cage next me. I looked to see her brown feathered wings and lion like legs coved in chains, the chains had been on there so long marks were starting to form. I looked to see her brown lion tail move in annoyance, swaying from side to side. I then look up in to her golden eyes that were the same color as her beak and replied "well..." I then stopped not knowing what to say. She was right, what was I hoping for? "That's right nothing, nothing at all. There is nothing to expect." she said strongly before laying back down on her belly. "Well you never know!" I exclaimed back standing my ground, but did I mean It? I honestly didn't know. I then herd her caw in annoyance "come now 1215, you are 16 years old and you have never left that cage do you really think theirs still hope?". "Ok first its Torch, not 1215 or subject 1215 or any crap like that. Second I do because If I know one thing its that good always wins!" I replied only half Hartley meaning it. As much as I wanted to believe that there was still hope I could tell the chances were getting similar. The place were they have me caged is called Terminus, they keep people like me in hear. They call them mixed bloods there animals or people that have DNA from others species that are not there own. Like me I am 8% bird and 70% human or that's all I know. I tried to figure out what the rest was because in front of every cage they put clip boards that say your age, breed, and purpose. I tried to reach for my clip board once but I just got punished by a shock from the one of the metal collars they put around our necks when we first arrive hear. Once I even tried to take the collar off by biting it but you can guess how that turned out.

My train of thought was interrupted when I heard Mayas old voice call "ok fine Torch, I am sorry I didn't mean to put you down but when you have been in hear as long as me you tend to expect the worst" she then finished with a long sigh. I felt bad for Maya unlike me she came from some were. Some where beyond the walls of Terminus. Some where were grass grows, the sky is blue and where the sun shines. She was never born hear she like many others was a capture.

Captures are mixed bloods like me but they naturally occurred in the world. Unlike I because I was born and created in Terminus. They take these wild mixed bloods and put them in cages for there own uses. I never liked this, putting people and animals in cages just because they share others DNA it not right. I know they target mixed bloods because they are very rare, hard workers, and warriors, but that still doesn't mean we should be treated like slaves.

I glanced at my silver lion like tail and let out a sigh. I though how awesome it would be to see the sun and just be free. I then looked at my back this time glancing at my golden eagle wings and reminded myself yay right the only place I am ever going is the lab or were ever they take you to get experimented on.

"Hay Maya, could you tell me one of your stories again?" I asked quietly waiting for an answer. "Ok, witch one would you like to hear?" she replied . "You know the ones about were you came from, what is it called again?" " Narnia" she replied with a laugh, I smiled at her and muttered the name "Narnia" Ow how I loved that word! I love the ring to it just hearing about it made me long to go there and explore it's lands.

Just as she opened her mouth or beak as I should say to speak. I heard a loud BOUNG! Me and Maya both turned are heads to see what had made such a loud noise. It was a cage on wheels headed near us. I turned my head to see what was in side it but it was struggling to much to make out clear shape. The wheels came closer and one of the scientist called out for some one to come and help and a muscular, tall, brown haired man came and opened the cage. In his hand was long stick and at the end of it was a metal collar.

He than grabbed the creature and threw it to the gowned. I saw it try to pick its self back up but was then harshly pushed back down to the ground by the browned haired man. He then took his stick and clamped the metal collar around the creatures neck. Once the collar was on tight he took the struggling thing by the scuff and threw it in the cage next to me. I let out a loud hiss towards him and he glared at me warningly. He then walked towards me and banged on my cage loudly so loudlly I fell back in fear for I was never a big fan of loud noises, they seem to startle me every time I heard them. I then looked back a him and he let out I evil laugh before turning around and walking away. I shot one last glare at him before turning to finally see what creature had been caged next to me. But what I saw was nothing in all my time hear I have seen before.

Mixed Bloods (Book 1) UnleashedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin