Introduction. (Read this.)

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It wasn't much of a poppy day. It was raining, kids running to their houses from the bus stop to take cover of the wet rain pouring down on the streets of the quiet neighborhood. Meanwhile I sat in my room, thinking of how peaceful it was. No pain, No yelling, No abuse, No judgmental bitches, just me. And my best friend, Katherine. Enjoying the peace we had been waiting for. Enjoying this rain, leaves falling from the trees while birds go to their nests to protect their babies, the other group of little kids who loved the stomp in big puddles with their colored rainboots and big raincoats. No one to stop their fun, their joy. I used to hate the rain, be ungreatful for everything I had. Thought I needed more. I used to be greedy and selfish, not caring of who got hurt, how they got hurt, and how severe it was. I would laugh at gossip, even if it made the victim feel like complete shit. That was all before last year. Now let me tell you, a story about Rilee and her best friend Katherine.

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