Mysterious box

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"I can't believe Tommy doesn't shred" Cory said unlocking the door to his house.

"I'm sorry dude" Tommy yelled as he plopped down on the couch with a sigh. "Wow good job Tommy, plus that was caught on camera" Uni said, "I got all of it on film" Ashlie cheered.

"Welp there goes my pride" Tommy said turning on the T.V., "Don't worry Tommy I still think you shred" Nick said.

"Thanks bro" he said as Nick day beside him, "ship, ship, ship" Ashlie chanted. Tommy and Nick blushed as they looked away.

"Aww" Ashlie whined as she sat down next to Uni who was on his phone. "So what do you guys want for dinner" Cory asked.

"I don't know" everyone replied.


"Tommy just kiss Nick" Ashlie yelled as she was trying to force the two to kiss with Cory's help. "No way" they yelled.

Uni was recording the whole thing, they all stopped hearing a knock on the door.

Uni being the closest stood up and answered, "hello".

"Who is it" Cory asked, "no one" Uni said. "You serious or are you joking" Ashlie said walking over.

But Uni was right no one was at the door. "That's strange" she said stepping outside, she was about to go back in till something caught her eye.

"What is it" Cory yelled from inside, "there are boxes out here" Ashlie yelled.

"Uni come help me with this" Ashlie asked as she picked up one of the cardboard boxes. "Here" she said handing one to Uni who handed it to Cory.

Once all the boxes were in, the group just stared at them. "That's strange who would leave this stuff on our door step" Cory said as he pick up a box and shook it.

"Hey it has our names on it" Tommy said picking up a box with his name in it. Cory flipped his box over and gave it to Ashlie.

"Here you go bud" Cory said handing one to Uni.

Cory went to the kitchen and pulled out a knife and started cutting open his box. They passed it around, carefully, and opened all their boxes.

"The hell" Cory said pulling out a medium sized red box, it had a strange light blue furby like creature in the box.

"Hey I got one two" Tommy said as he opened the red box and pulled out one with yellow fur.

Nick also had a yellow one while Ashlie had a light blue one.

"I love furbies" she said as she looked at the light blue creature."come on Uni, open yours" Tommy said, "I'm trying" he replied.

He was having a hard time opening the cardboard box. "Here let me help" Cory said as he helped the other open the box. "Thanks" Uni said as he pulled out another furby but this one was purple.

"Are these new or old furbies" Cory asked, "why does Uni get purple" Nick said.

"There not furbies" Uni said finding a tag on his purple friend. "There called tattletail and were made in the 90's" he said.

"Ha, tattaletail" Tommy said, "why would someone give us old toys" Nick asked. "I'll look them up" Cory said as he made his way to his computer, "I'll find some batteries" Nick said.

Nick searched around for some batteries while Uni looked for the place the batteries go. "Hey Nick i dont think you need batteries" Uni said, "I can't find where to put them".

"I found something" Ashlie said as she emptied everything out of the box, "Here we go" she said picking up the instruction manual.

"To charge your tattletail plug in the charging station and place tattletail on the platform".

"You mean this thing" Tommy said pulling out the purple charging station. "I guess" Nick said seeing the foot prints on the top.

Tommy plugged it in to the nearest outlet, "Okay lets try this" Nick said grabbing Uni's and placing it one the platform.

They waited for a few seconds till it started speaking, "tattletail, that's me".

"Creppy" Tommy said, "true" Ashlie said. "I think it's cute" Uni said shocking everyone, "um okay" Nick said.

Everyone plugged in their own charging stations, they each write their name on it so they don't get confused.

Once all that tattletails where charges they just sat there, "so creppy" Nick said.

"It says here you can brush them and feed them real food" Ashlie said flipping through the manual. "Real food, I don't buy it" Tommy said poking the tattletail.

"Okay lets see" Nick said as he stood up, he grabbed a bannana. He peeled it and took a bit off the top. "Not the bannana" Ashlie said, "to bad yes the bannana" Nick said.

He slowly held it up to his tattletails mouth, everyone watched as he slowly placed it in.

A few moments later it are it with a nom nom nom sound. "Its really gone" Nick said flipping the toy around. "No way, you sure this was made in the 90's" Tommy said.

"This is so awesome" Uni said, "your enjoying this to much" Ashlie said.

"They were actual made in the 90's" Cory said, "guys I think you want to see this".

First chapter, yeah

Tattletail? (newscapecomics, Maybe)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora