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weeks passed since the end of the grand prix, since i'd fought for my soulmate and won. Victor agreed to stay with me the last few days until he was dead set on moving back to his homeland with me in tow. i whined, complaining in vain that i'd never survive such cold.

he just wrapped his arms around my waist and said he knew plenty of ways to warm me.

news of katsuki's near victory was still broadcasted over local news, which was maybe part of the reason why Victor never wished to spend time watching. they still spoke of his rejection of his soulmate. at the words, the tv was off.

maybe that was part of the reason why he so desperately craved to return to the rink , where nothing mattered but the way you moved and the ice beneath you. where everyone was pure and one with the cold.

"you won't regret it," he'd said, as his suitcase was being repacked, taken back from katsuki lodging the day we first arrived. i grinned back at him, swiping a pair of his sweats as he turned. as long as i'm with you, Victor.

so many miles away. a place i didn't know, relying only on who i was meant to be with, on who had almost left over the temptation of what he couldn't have.

"i'll even teach you russian! it's not nearly as hard as you t- darling?"

why was i crying now? after everything had already been solved?

"i-i'm sorry, i-"

his arms were around me. i would never get used to this.

he was whispering to me, something i couldn't hear over the sound of gross hiccups. all i could sense was the smell of his shirt, the feeling of home running over me.

wherever he is, i am home.

and i would trust him, with all i was. for he was my soulmate.

his words met me in a rush, through the strands of my hair and the clothing he'd covered me in. "i love you, my dearest, i love you so much,"

i'll love you with all i am, Victor, my soulmate. .


*Author-chan can be heard crying from across the world*
Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me throughout!
all your comments and votes give me so much life i love <3
{note will be posted when sequel is published :3}

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