Chapter One -EDITED-

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Astoria's POV

"I hope it's not that bad." I say putting my last bag in the moving van. "It won't be, But when you get there Skype me and show me your basement room." Cara says hugging me.

"I will." I say smiling slightly. She smiles and hugs me tightly again. "ASTORIA! NIKKI!" My mom shouts from the truck. "COMING!" I shout back. Me and Cara hug eachother again. "I want you to stay strong and do not go back to what you did before." She says. I smile and she walks me to the front of the truck.

Nikki hops into the backseat and I get into the passenger seat. "Bye Cara!" I say waving as mom drives out of the driveway. She waves back shouting goodbye as we drive away. I sigh and go onto my phone. "Get ready for a two day ride." Mom says.

I laugh slightly and plug my headphones in. "Don't tune me out this trip." Mom says. "Fine." I say taking my headphones out. I look out the window for a few minutes and my eyes get heavy. Soon after I fall into a deep sleep.


Five days later I lay asleep in my new bed. "ASTORIA! NIKKI WAKE UP!" Mom shouts from upstairs. I groan and get out of my bed. I yawn as look into my mirror. "Jesus." I say taking my black long hair down. I brush it out and then put it in a braid.

I quickly walk up the stairs and to the kitchen. "I cooked eggs and toast." Mom says passing me a plate with food on it. "Thanks." I say sitting down and eating. "Now, You start school today for the first time since rehab, Please be careful." She says seriously.

"I will mom." I say eating some of my toast. Nikki hops down the stairs with her hair in pigtails and a bright green line through her platinum blonde hair. "What did you do to your hair?" My mom says to Nikki. "Calm down, It's just spray." She says sitting next to me. I laugh and get off the chair with my plate.

"I'm going to get a shower." I say slowly walking back down the stairs. I grab a towel in my closet and walk to the washroom. I turn the hot shower water on and undress. I clip my hair up off my back and onto my head. I slip into the shower and wash my body down.

I finish up and dry myself off. I put on my matching black bra and underwear and walk out of the washroom. I grab a black crop top, black skinny jeans, a tan coat and change into it. I sit in front of my vanity and put a tiny bit of eyeshadow and mascara on my eyes.

My lashes are very long and full so all I do is put mascara on them. I get back up and grab my bookbag. I run up the stairs and bump into my mom. "I'm going to school now." I say to her. "Okay sweetie, Be careful." She says kissing my cheek.

"Bye." I say walking to the porch. I put on my black boot heels and grab my keys. I walk out of the house and to my car. I open the passenger side door and toss my bookbag in. I close the door and walk to the drivers side. I get in and put my seatbelt on. I turn my Metallica CD on and drive away from the house.

I get to the school ten minutes later and grab my bag. I get out and lock my car door shoving my keys in my pocket. I walk towards the school looking around at the tons of teenagers around me. I walk in the school and to the office.

I slowly walk to the Principals room and knock on the door. "Excuse me?" I say looking in. Mrs. Micheals looks away from the blue haired guy and to me. Her frown moves to a smile. "Ah, Miss, Astoria Hathaway correct?" She asks. I nod slightly as the guy turn around his piercing blue eyes staring into my vibrant blue eyes.

I quickly look away and to Mrs. Micheals. "This is your schedule for the year." She says getting up and passing me a piece of paper. I look at it to see a ton of classes on it. "First period starts in twenty minutes so after I talk with Mr. Ramsay about something I will shoe you to your locker and your class." She says. I nod and walk out of the room to a chair.

I sit down and hear Mrs. Micheals talking to the Ramsay kid. "Now, Since you got out of rehab and your grades are doing good, I want you to go to academic math." Mrs. Micheals says. "I don't know." Ramsay says uneasily. "Please, Joshua. Your better, No drugs, No cutting, No bulimia." She says. I shudder slightly at the sound of those things.

All things I used to do. "Okay." He says. "You may go now." She says. I hear the scratching of chairs and Joshua and Mrs. Micheals walk out. "I can show you around now." She says smiling at me. I give her a uneasy smile and sigh in my head.

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