Chapter Thirteen -EDITED-

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Astoria's POV

"What happened?" My mom asks Josh. "I'll tell you now in a minute." He says laying me onto the couch. "I'm sorry mom." I say hiding my face. "Why are you sorry?" She asks getting up and walking towards me. I look back up and roll up my sleeve showing her the fresh scar from injecting the needle.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes but I look away from her. I roll my sleeve back down and get off the couch trying not to fall over. Heroine took over my life before and now it's going to take over my life again. I walk out of the livingroom and to the stairs. I walk downstairs and sit onto my bed.

I stay like this until Josh comes down the stairs. He sits next to me and I turn away from him. "I'm such a fucking disappointment." I say picking at my arm. "Porcelain, Your not. I'll keep watch on you over the next few weeks and if you continue to use it you'll get help." He says turning my head.

He wipes the tear that falls from my eye and I wrap my small arms around his tall figure. I lean forward abit laying myself onto Josh. I close my eyes and my head moves in sync with Josh's breathing because my head is on his chest. He hums while we stay laying next to eachother. I slowly fall asleep with him.


"PORCELAIN?" Josh shouts from the stairs. My eyes go wide and I quickly put away the needles and small bottles into a bag. "What are you doing?" He asks grabbing the bag. "Nothing!" I say trying to grab it back. He opens the bag and his face drops. "Porcelain..." He starts. "I know, I know, I'm a fucking disappointment. You don't need to start on me." I say grabbing it back.
"I wasen't watching you close enough, It's my fault, Godammit we're both a disappointment." He says taking a small package out of his pocket. My eyes fill with tears to see it's heroine. We're both still heroine addicts. I wipe the tear that fall from my face and look up to Josh to see tears falling down his face.

I lift my hand up and wipe the tears that are going down his face with my thumb. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds onto me. I wrap my arms around his torso and his shirt gets wet from me crying. "I-I can't keep d-doing this." I say as masacara and tears run down my face.

"We both need to get help." He says as more tears fall down our faces. "What's going on here?" My mom asks behind Josh. Me and Josh let go of eachother and look at her. "Uh, Nothing." I say quickly. My mom looks around us to see Josh's heroine and my heroine on the floor.

Her eyes fill with tears. "Get out of my house." She says her voice full of anger. "Mom, Please, I'll get help." I say walking closer to her. "Get out, You are not my child." She spits. My hands start shaking as I look at my 'mother'. "Fuck you." I spat exiting the washroom.

I grab a bag and pack all of my things in it. My mom looks at me disgusted as I walk back to the washroom. I pick up the baggies of heroine and pass Josh his baggie. My mom looks at Josh shocked. "Leave!" She shouts. I flip her off and walk upstairs with my bags ans Josh. I walk past Nikki who has a confused look on her face. "I love you Nikki." I say hugging her.

She hugs me back and we stay like this for a few minutes. I force a smile onto my face and walk to the door. I put my shoes on and swing open the door to reveal Josh's mom. My stomache drops, She's here for Josh.

"You fucking called Carolyn?" I shout turning around to my mom. "Yes I fucking did because she deserves to know!" She shouts back. Josh looks petrified as he stares at his mom. "We are fine! We can go to rehab!" I shout back. "No your not fucking fine!" She shouts.

Josh grabs my hand and pulls me out of the house. "Let me the fuck go." I growl. He looks at me angrily. "I want to leave, Now." He says. I see the fire in his crystal blue eyes. I walk with him to his car. I toss my bags in and get into the passenger side. "Your going to stay at my house until mom talks to me about this situation." He says. I nod as he drives away. I'm fucked.

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