I Never Stopped Loving You || Nouis Mpreg

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Years since I've seen him.

Three to be exact.

And out of all the people,

Why did he have to save me?



"Dada! Louis Tomlinson!" My baby boy, Ethan, yelled. He was pointing to a man, waking down the street, through a huge crowd.

"Go!" He said. I looked at Mason, standing on the edge of the crowd, walking closer. I have to get away from him.

"Baby, we have to g-go." I said. Walking the other way. Mason started to run towards us. I had no where to go.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked pulling me closer to him, but then pushing me against the wall.

He took Ethan and threw him to the ground. No one fucking realized that we're being abused because there's a famous footballer here. Fuck.

Ethan ran off somewhere, which I'm quite glad about, considering how horrible Mason is. Ethan's only two, and can't take too much pain.

"Think you're gonna get away? No way, never." Mason whispered in my ear, lightly touching the bruise he left on my cheek this morning. I winced and he kissed me, which I didn't like. He tasted like cigarettes and alcohol.


A little boy came out from under all of the people's legs. "Help! Dada!" He yelled.

I knelt down to him, my friends making sure we didn't get trampled. The little boy had bruises on his body.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to be simple with the questions, since he looks about two.

"Dada hurt!" He yelled, tears in his bright blue eyes.

"Where's your daddy?" I asked. He pointing past all the legs, and to a building a little bit down the road.

I stood up and looked over all the heads. There were two men, one was up against the wall, and the other was trying to bring the other closer.

"Guys, make sure that guy over there is okay." I said to my friend, Oscar. He pushed through the crowd and ran towards the building.

The man that was pushing the other against the wall had quickly brought a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Oscar, and started yelling.

"That guy has a gun!" Someone yelled. Everyone ran in different directions. The little boy ran to the men yelling, "Dada! Dada!"

The man with the gun pointed it towards the boy. I had started running towards then with Payton and Aaron.

"Don't shoot anybody!" I yelled. The man looked at me and anger instantly filled his eyes. He doesn't even know me, why the fuck is he mad?

"Louis Tomlinson." He growled. I looked at Oscar, Payton, and Aaron. We exchanged looks.

"That's me..." I said, full of confusion. The little boy tried to run to the man against the wall, but Mr. Gun Man kicked him, making him fall to the ground. Payton ran over to the little boy and picked him up.

I tried to see the man who was being hurt, but Mr. Gun Man was in the way. The hurt man coughed, and gun man turned around, putting one hand on his throat.

"Shut the fuck up." Gun man said. The hurt man nodded, trying not to make any noises. I got a closer glimpse of him.

My eyes widened when I saw the familiar blue eyes and blonde hair, which was turning brunette again.

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