Like A Love Song Chapter 4

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  When we were about to study I had remembered what Jenna had told me. She had told me "Stay away from Dylan'' but like I care. She can’t tell me what to do. I do what I want. 

Dylan and I started studying. As every moment pass I felt Dylan get closer, but I inched away. I didn’t want it to be awkward. Luckly my mother was buying somethings with my younger brother and my dad was working late at the office. So I felt a tiny bit more comfortable.

   We took a short break because studying gets depressing, well it actually always has been depressing. Anyway Dylan and I were watching a funny TV show.

"Haha do you always watch this."

He couldn’t say it without laughing. we were laughing together.

"Every single time on Mondays."

   When the TV show was finish we got back to study more. As I talked to him I notice his eyes then we just stared at each other. We got closer and closer, it seemed like we were an inch apart. Did I feel something brush my lips. Was I about to kiss him? Does he like me? Wait, of course he does! He's about to kiss me.

    I heard someone trying to open the door, but it didn't sound like my mom or my brother. I pulled away from Dylan and told him that we should go up stairs. He agreed so we went up stairs to a room and looked out the window. I guess I was right, someone was trying to rob the house. One question came into my head. Who robs a house in the day?

"Dylan, you know what I realized."


"Who robs in the day?"

He started to chuckle a bit. "This idiot."

I was calling 911 and Dylan was locking the door and making sure nobody could get in.

He said"if anyone gets in here I will protect you."

   I  felt myself smile and get red a little bit. I heard footsteps down stairs. They finally got in. Dylan came up to me and put his arms around me and put one of his fingers on my lips

He whispered," be quiet I heard them come up here."

There was a knock on the door. Dylan let go of me and placed me behind him. I locked all the doors before we went and hid in a room. Maybe it would confuse them. Soon the cops had came, I heard the robbers dmash a window. They had jumped from the window. The cops knocked on every door to see who would answer. They finally knocked on our door and Dylan opened it.

The cops asked us questions and kept investigating. My mother had finally came and hugged me. She said worrying," are you ok Marjorie?"

"I'm fine, if Dylan wasn't there who knows what would of happen"

"God Bless You Dylan"

"Thank you Mrs..."

"Mrs. Martinez"

I went up to Dylan and hugged him tight, I felt a tear running down my cheek.

I told him,"Thank you Dylan."

And kissed the side of his cheek. I don't care what Jenna said because I'm not scared.

"I truely mean it."

He hugged me tighter. I couldn’t ask for a better guy friend. Well, or was he a friend?

After the Incident had happen I still went to school. The worst part, I didn't get to do my homework and I have alot! Great!

Next Day At Lunch

Catherine, Macy, and Carolina were asking me a whole bunch of questions. I told them one by one.

Macy asked,"So were you and Dylan really studying?"

"Yes and don't think there’s anything wrong," I said.

I didn't want to answer anymore questions cause I felt uncomfortable. Well I know what almost happened. Should I just pretend that never happened. Dylan probably already forgotten what happened yesterday.

I went to my next class. I felt I wasn't safe anymore, I just didn't want to go back to my house. That thought was in my head all day. The teacher didnt ask for the homework, so I had an extra day to do it. Lucky me.

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