Chapter 2

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With every step Cora took, her thoughts ricocheted like a pinball machine, every scary thought her mind could think of threatened to choke her, telling her this could be her last time seeing the sky, breathing the air.

She couldn't help tilting her gaze heavenward, her eyes yearned to see the light now more then ever. She could already imagine it. A gorgeous painting, it's striking pallet infused with rich golds and saturated hues of violet that gradually began to weave and blur into a blanket of blacks and blues, shadowed against the opalescent moon that burned a pale white.

My sun and moon, she thought.

A rarity in the solar system that may have belonged to Hrolf, but it was hers in that fragment of time. So close she felt like she could raise her hand and smear the ethereal light and leave her name etched in it. Her breath came out shaken when she realized she actually was staring at the sky.

"Uh, ma'am?" Her thoughts came to a screeching halt.

One of the public security guards scowled at her, his arms crossed in his grey-blue and black uniform.

"You're holding up the line" his voice was exasperated. "Move, nitwit."

Like a deer in headlights, her jaw almost dropped. Cora stood there for a moment, glancing at the security guard and then at the three people behind her who looked just as irritated with her.

She didn't know what hit first, her embarrassment or the sinking urgency that made her politely smile and apologize profusely until she disappeared behind the corner, running like hell.

No longer able to feel Lelin she knew the plan had actually worked, not like she doubted it in the first place.

Okay that was a lie, she doubted it.. a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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