Telling Him (One-shot)

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a/n: This is fanfiction! To read the actual story, go to @squigmo and read Guardian (Sequel to Fearless)

Kayde and Iris strolled down to the Remora Dining Room. As they walked, clinked jugs of ale, the slopping sound of food being shoved into mouths, and the clinking of spoons and forks overpowered any conversation they might have had. Once the doors opened, the sounds only increased. Now resigned to silence, the pair began slowing food into their trays.

Kayde, noticing that Iris seemed to be putting more food on her plate than usual, tripling the amount of food on his own plate, rose a questioning eyebrow. Iris, attempting to answer, hollered, "Gotta eat for two!"

Kayde, attempting reaffirm what he heard, bellowed, "Got beaten black and blue?"

With a smirk, Iris nodded once before bowing her head and hurrying off to a table, Kayde tagging behind.


In the training courtyard, Kayde found Iris sparring with Hench. Even after Iris had passed her trials, she continued to engage regularly with Hench. Dripping with sweat, Iris pranced around Hench with her twin daggers, a recent gift from her sister. Over the other pairs of warriors and the odd seven against one match going on in the arena, Iris shouted, "Must protect the child!"

Once again mishearing her, he affirmed, "Mustard sandwiches at night?"

Taking use of her distraction, Hench flipped her over her back, leaving Iris lying in the dust and dismissed her. Brushing herself off, Iris rose to her feet and, dodging various fighters, once receiving a haircut, and hopped over to Kayde and replied, "Meet you at my room, at sundown?"

With a smile and a nod, Kayde departed.


Kayde stepped over the threshold, a plate of sandwiches in hand. On a normal day, he would've brought two, but noticing Iris's voracious appetite in the morning, he brought six, just to be safe. A picnic basket in tow, she grabbed his arm and placed the sandwiches in the basket, alongside strawberries and biscuits, as well as a bottle of cordial.

Half an hour later, Iris pulled Kayde to a stop, having reached the lake by which she had planned for them to eat. Iris having finished the biscuits along the way, the pair sat down and scarfed down the sandwiches, feeding each other strawberries afterward. 

Thinking to herself, Iris wondered how she was to break it to her dear bloke. Twirling the ring on her fourth finger, she finally decided to surround and overwhelm. So, she began to gather intel: "Have you ever given thought to having a child?"

Leaning forward with dreamy eyes, he said that he'd desired for a house full little ones of his own. Deciding that translates to seven children, she gathered that all was well.

Leaning forward to plant a swift kiss on his forehead, she probed, "What would do if I told you your wish was granted?"

No need to go into the nasty details, but they did not leave the forest until early in the morning. And planted under the entrance to base, Hench awaited the pair with crossed arms with a deep frown painted across her face. 

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