Chapter Two

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I was sitting at my desk in my room drawing on my arm when the phone rang. I jumped, and cut my arm with the pen I was using. "Crap" I said aloud. I threw a bandaid over it, and sprinted up to Makayla's room. On the way, the bandaid caught fire from the friction. I ripped the bandaid off, but not before it could give me a 3rd degree burn. I ran through Makayla's door, and scared the crap out of her. "Hey Mak, what should I do" I asked her as she examined my wound.
"You will be fine. You heal fast."
"Ok. Hey do you want to go check out what Jack and Jace are doing at the garage? I heard they are building some transformers."
"Sure. The race is on BabyFlash ."
"Fine. I will give you a ten second head start, but dont expect to win Icey Blue" I called as she wizzed out of the room. After the 10 seconds, I flew out the door, and raced downtown. I made a lightning fast stop at Pizza Hut grabbing 3 pizzas and still beating Makayla. I stopped on the roof, and Makayla stopped next to me. We climed down like ninjas into the garage, sitting down on some lawn chairs. I opened a box of pizza, offering some to Makayla. She took a piece, and whispered "We should scare Jace and Jack. We should suddenly talk really loudly to scare them."
"Lets do it" I replied. Makayla took her position, and yelled "HEY ELLIOT, I WONDER WHAT THEY ARE DOING UP THERE!" A second later we heard two bangs, signaling that we had won. Jace shouted down "Hey! Thats not funny!" We started to crack up. I offered Jace and Jack some pizza, and we sat down, reading a message from the computer. Ethan pulled up the screen that read 'BE WARE HUMANS!! WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! HAHAHAHAHA!' Ethan closed the screen and I said "Are you as worried as I am right now?"
"Yes. Be worried as hell because I know the people who sent the message. They are the Marvanians, their leader Captain Marvin. We need to call a team meeting ASAP" replied Makayla.

Back at the apartment we sat in the computer room. Makayla was telling us what we need to do to prepare. "Ok. Judging by the slowness of their travel, we have about 2 months to prepare. They have robots and very hightec gear. We need to start training. That means working out at least 2 hours per day, eating healthy *cough cough Elliot*, and working hard to prepare new gear."
"So this means we have 2 months to prepare to have the biggest war of the century and win, or die trying" Atlyn said.
"Yup. We have to be ahead of the game if we want to win" Makayla replied. "Looks like its time to get down to buissness."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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