Back Story

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I started as just a regular human on earth. I went to school, I met my friends. I lived with my adopted parents who I loved. It all changed one day when my parents finally got ahold of my birthparents who had abandoned me at birth. Can you imagine what would make someone ditch their own baby on the side of the road on a completely different planet? Was it my Hair? Did the tiny sprouts of leafy green hair popping out of my little head as a baby freak my parents out enough to make them just ditch me at a random orphanage in Denver, Colorado? My birthparents were from earth 2. We knew that much when my adopted parents adopted me.

We traveled to earth 2 for a few weeks. It was a very interesting planet. What was even more interesting was how regretful my birthparents were for leaving me. They begged for me to come live with them, but I didn't want to. I had built a life with my friends and my parents there. Both sets of parents agreed to share me back on earth, an idea I was psyched about. I was going to have two sets of parents who both loved me!

But what we didn't know was that while we were at earth 2, there was a terrible disease going around. I had contracted it. This disease was supposed to be bad. It was supposed to mutate people in the worst way possible. But it affected me differently. It gave me power. Power that I had never dreamed of. The power to control plants.

A year ago we moved to Brooklyn because my adopted dad found a job there. I met my friends while running around Brooklyn making the landscape look a lot more appealing. I was making a tree look like a lion's face when all of a sudden I saw a red flash bouncing through the cars. That red flash, I later found out was Elliot, soon to become my best friend. She was racing Makayla who was whizzing through the air with a trail of sow behind her. I found this interesting so I decided to follow them. Were there other people with strange powers like me? They led me to this huge building I'd never noticed before. I try the door. It was locked, but a locked door is no obstacle for me. I place my finger on to p of the lock. My vine inserts into the lock and I hear a click. I turn the knob. Now looking back at this I realize I could have just shrunk the wooden door, but I didn't really need to make a big entrance. I enter into a room that looked a lot like a hotel lobby. "Hello." I said, hoping that I wasn't intruding on anything.

"Hi, are you lost?" I heard a gentle voice behind me. It was a girl in a red suit like the one I saw speeding around Brooklyn, she was holding a box of Chinese takeout. "How did you get past the lock?" she asked. She spoke to me like I was a  child. Even though I was fourteen, I was tiny for my age.

I got scared, so I did the only thing I could think of. I ran. I didn't run out the door because the girl was standing there. I was hardly able to run for a couple seconds before a red blur popped up in front of me. "You can't run faster than me, nobody can, now tell me, how did you get past the lock?"

I start shaking vines start growing out my finger tips, giving myself away. The girl in the red suit stared at my hands. I wrapped the vines around my hands making something like a glove.

"You're one of us! A daughter of an Avenger!? she exclaimed.

A Daughter of an Avenger? What was she talking about? "No." I simply say.

"Then how are you able to do that?"

"I got a virus when I was finding my Birthparents on earth 2." I explain. "I saw you guys and I wondered if there were other people who the disease affected like that. So I followed you here. How did you get behind me? I thought I just walked in like a minute behind you guys."

"I had to pick up the Chinese food I'd ordered fifteen minutes ago they are so slow compared to me."

After that ordeal, there was more questions from Makayla, Elliot, and Jack, and some scientific experiments by Jace, but after that I was accepted into their group. I was granted my own floor in the twelve story apartment, which I had immediately decorated with plants. Through the years I had explored my powers and learned a lot about myself. In this place, I could use my powers freely, so I learned a whole bunch about myself and my powers. I figured out that I could make entire, living animals out of my plants. I figured out that I finally belonged in a group of people like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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