Chapter 1

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I wake up 2 minutes before my alarm sounds for 7:00. I think about what I am going to do today. My parents may end up hating me, but I cannot live in this caged world anymore. This is my time. Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm goes off and I slowly make my way out of the warm bed.

My room is clean, pristine, and all white. White is the only color allowed in this so called "utopia." I dress quickly into my white garments, including an ankle length skirt, long sleeved shirt, boots, and a sweater. But underneath all of that bleak, but bright fabric I hide color like no one has ever seen anyone wear. The only other colors, besides white, that are allowed are that of skin, hair and eye. I tie my long black hair back into a bun so it's out of my sea blue eyes.

This world is nothing but white. But not only is it white it is also free of anything that might be considered fun. We have no dancing, not as if we have any music to dance to though. Every day is a repeat of the last. Three meals, school, sleep – that is all life is. Families don't spend time together. BUT, I heard from someone that there used to be fun, and color. Life was worth living and the current government has ruined it. There used to be movies, dance, television, and nature. All of this has been made known to me by Blood Rose.

Blood Rose is the resistance fighting against the government. Our government also known as Elenic is keeping us prisoner and we do not even know it. Elenic says it is for our protection but Blood Rose thinks differently. Blood Rose knows of the Outside. All members have certain qualities and abilities. They reached out to me and told me this because they see a power growing inside me. At first I was skeptical. I did not want to think the life I had known since I was born was wrong. Every day they sent me messages, and soon I started noticing the things Blood Rose said were true.

Our city has walls all around, Elenic says it's for our protection, but protection from what? What is out there that makes us need protection? Blood Rose says that there is nothing to fear. I don't fully believe them but I need to see what's Outside for myself. I head downstairs and see my parents waiting for me.

"Happy Birthday." My parents embrace me but not for too long.

"Thank you," I had forgotten that it was my birthday, but why are they congratulating me? We never celebrate. I then remember what today really is.

It is my 18th birthday. I am the last of this year to turn 18 before the Lolaan Ritual.

On a child's 18th birthday they become an adult and swear loyalty to Elenic, they serve the government in any way they can, even if it means death. Elenic dominates over us, using our innocence of real world problems to control our minds. We learn what they want us to learn, but as Blood Rose said the winner can decide the history.

My parents and I eat breakfast silently, they seem to take this as me being nervous. I am but not for the reasons they think. We all finish at the same time and wash the dishes, then we head to the Gorgan.

The Gorgan is a stadium of sorts used three times every year. One for the Lolaan Ritual, the one where 18 year olds swear loyalty and the Thanatos Ceremony, in which we honor all those who died in the past year. The Thanatos Ceremony is 3 days before on the second to last day of the year. The Ritual takes place on the 2nd day of the year, blessing all the children to be born in the New Year from the certified child bearers. Only the child bearers are allowed to give birth to people who can become members of the community. All children who are not born from child bearers are allowed to live but grow up isolated and are shunned by the rest of the community. Their parents are not given permission to interact with the child as it grows in an orphanage and take on jobs that real members don't want to partake in.

As we got closer to the Gorgan I really begin to get nervous. Will I do everything right? I have one job, to decline the ritual. No one ever does this. Blood Rose said that people usually quietly join them, just leaving their homes and living with Blood Rose. But I am a special case. Blood Rose told me that they and Elenic and a few select people have a prophecy that has been passed down for generations. It prophesied that a girl with the birthmark of a rose at the age of 18 would free the people of Algonia and set things back to normal.

My name is Sienna, and I am the Girl who Shone Red.

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