Chapter 1

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Night Claw's POV.

I was laying down on the background of the hades of my owner well you may be questioning yourself 'who in the stripes I am?' Well I am Night Claw, Kurotora's mate and we have a daughter named Felicitas I have to say that she looks a lot like Kurotora on his young age, but now to the present and stop explaining my live and who the hell I am, well I am a bearhound dog but I get hurt on my back and side the last little of Kurotora now are dead confirmed by the vet a week ago well I heard footsteps and I stands up growling just to see the door open and my precious daughter running over me her right eye missing and bleeding so I runs over and licks her eye she whimpers in pain but her ears twitches and I see SnowDrop and Feli say "Auntie SnowDrop!" As she start wagging her tail SnowDrop looks at her and she walks over her and sees her eye and was confused as she say "what happened?" And Feli say *standing proudly just like Kurotora does whenever he impressed me or our pups born* "a damn bear that shit himself on the battlefield slashes my eye taking it out now for how mom tells me that my dad is I looks just like him" and I chuckles but all of a sudden SnowDrop tackled me but I wasn't able to fight back as she was grabbing my neck so Feli growls and attacked SnowDrop but she throws Feli away as she say "don't worry kiddo you will be next" and she growls but I say "my daughter go away go get your father and older brothers he will know what to do don't loose the honor of the bearhound!" And Feli nods saying "yes mother fight back!" And she runs away so as she does I stands up and growls at SnowDrop as we start fighting but she slashes my throat as I start seeing all black I heard a tiny but loud sad howl it was Feli.

Feli's POV.

When I start running I start evading all female adults I was scared, afraid, I need my dad and brothers now but I just realized that I don't know where he is or where my brothers are that is till I meet my cousin Kame we start a pack that was days ago we both were the leaders so we were getting the most big pack of abused pups just in days but well we are now wondering around with the full pack when all of a sudden a French Spaniel mix was staring at me and it was creeping me out so I say "who are you old man?" And my pavo chuckles at it but Kame send a shut up look at them and the French Spaniel mix say "I am a soilder of Ohu Smith and young girl who are you? You looks a lot like one of my friends Kurotora" and I say "I am a bearhound dog Felicitas and I am Kurotora's younger daughter my mom Night Claw was killed by my aunt SnowDrop just days ago when I lost my right eye she tells me to get my dad and brothers that my dad will know what to do and to not loose the honor of the bearhound dogs" and Smith-san say *falling to the floor looking down* "I am sorry Kurotora I couldn't take care of her" he seems to be crying because of the new of my mom's dead so I couldn't takes it anymore I breaks down all this days I have been hiding my feelings.

So after a while we both calms down and Smith-san say "hey I can takes you to your father or older brother who do you want to see first" and my tail start wagging as I say "I wanna see my older brother please!" And he laughs as he say "okay come on" and I smiled as I start following him when we gets to the limits of my territory he say "I have some friends with me they are at a abandoned cabin we can go there and gets them" and I nods in agreement as I say "yes Smith-san!" And we start running to the cabin where his friends are at so when we gets there a English Setter, Akita/Kishu mix and a Golden Retriever comes running over to us saying "SMITH-SAN!!" And I looks at Smith and he nods as he say "guys this is our new friend Felicitas she is Kurotora's younger daughter" and I stands proudly as I say "hi there guys" and the Akita/Kishu mix pup say "nice to meet you Felicitas-dono I am Weed I am Gin's son" and I say "seems that I am not the only one that is on the search of it's father" and the Golden Retriever pup say "I am Mel" and the English Setter say "and I am GB"and I say "does it GB is like Great Britain?" And GB say *smiling cockily* "yes it's because of my breed comes from there" and I just chuckles and I say "when we start walking again I wanna meet my older brothers" and Smith laughs as he say "sooner but now we have to rest we haven't stop since we start running in Shikoku" and I nods as we goes to the abandoned cabin and lays down to rest but before I could falls asleep I heard Weed-san say "Felicitas-dono can I ask you something?" And I say "sure thing you can, what is it?" And he say "what happens to your eye and your mother?" And I say "I lost my eye fighting a bear that was attacking a kid the same day that my mom was killed by my aunt SnowDrop" so I lays my head down so I can gets some sleep as I was drifting off to sleep I feels someone cuddling me and when I opens my eye I see Weed and Mel both cuddling me and I rolls my eye and falls asleep already.

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