Chapter 1

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*3 years ago*

I still remember, the day my heart nearly collapsed from excitement and anxiety. It was a Friday after school, Annabel was leaving in two weeks for California and I knew that I was just screwing myself over because she's moving but I can't have her leave without knowing how I feel. We were both in my dad's car, being that he didn't speak English and we couldn't really talk about anything without him listening in. We texted each other while listening to music. We were that way for about 45 minutes until we got back to my house, we had to wait out in my room for 3 hours until my parents left for work so I could take my mom's car for a little joy ride. No I wasn't allowed to drive at the time so she was hesitant but because she said I'm always the one to push her do something, I picked her up and carried her into the passenger seat. She made me take her to the McDonald's across the street because she refused to go any further, I just remember laughing the whole time because she was so scared.

We finally got there and she couldn't get her ass out of the car fast enough, I just laughed as I locked the doors and walked inside like a boss which made her laugh at me but I didn't mind. It was cute the way she did, we walked to the cashier together. She looked at the menu with a slight smile on her face, I couldn't stop looking at her. The way the lights reflected off her skin, her eyes glistening like stars in the sky.

"Nate! Say what you want!"

I felt her hand make contact with my "squishy" cheeks as she says and I snapped out of my daydream, I saw her giggling to herself as I placed my order. She pulled $20 out of her pocket, I put my hand on top of hers and stopped it.

"Don't think so Annie, I'm paying"

She smiled at my cheesiness as the cashier handed us our cups, I thanked him and walked to get our drinks. She opened her mouth to tell me what she wanted but I stopped her again, her favorite drink whenever we went to go eat was always Pepsi or Coke or Dr. Pepper.

"Find us a seat and I'll handle the food and drinks"


She walked away as I smiled to myself, getting the last bit of Powerade for me and grabbed the lids. I got the straws and put them in my pocket and waited for them to call our number, I turned my head to see her walking back and forth between the booth and regular table. I laughed and called her, telling her that the booth would be more comfortable so she just sat down like a puppy after you tell it to sit. 

"Order 645!"

I looked down at the receipt because I'm the person that would forget and walked up to the guy, He double checked to make sure that it was my order and handed the tray over to me. I thanked him and walked to the booth Annie had sat at, she was playing Flappy Bird and looked extremely concentrated but of course I wasn't going to let her beat her high score. I put the tray on the table and reached over to her phone screen, tapping multiple times and it was bye bye birdy. She hit my arm and just chuckled afterwards, she moved over and we sat next to each other.

"Alright my lady, here's your chicken nuggets with barbecue sauce, Pepsi, big mac and fries" I said to her like we traveled back to medieval times.

"Why thank you good sir"

"Finally you got my title right"

"Well you did tell me a hundred times. Call you cute, not pretty and you're Nate, not Natalie"

"She's finally learned ladies and gentlemen" I gave her my signature side smile which got her laughing at me

"Just eat, stupid" She said while laughing 

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