The Unwanted Wife

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Once again, he just walked past me when I opened the door for him. "Dinner is ready," I told him, smiling. "I'm not hungry," I heard him say. He walked towards the crib of our 1 and a half-year-old son's crib and picked him up.

He smiled down at Zion and sat down on the couch. I went to the kitchen, picked up the untouched plates, put them back in the cabinet, and put the untouched food in the fridge. Why would I bother cooking if I already knew that he wouldn't eat the food I made for him.

I went upstairs to Zion's room and saw a heartwarming scene. Shane is playing with Zion, and his toys as Zion giggle at his father happily. I walked away, not wanting to ruin their happy moment, and went to my room. I sat down on my bed and looked at the picture of our wedding day on top of the night table. The wedding was just a show. Everything about it was fake. He clearly doesn't love me, even after a year had passed. I still love him, even if he was always cold towards me. Hot tears start falling freely down my cheeks.

"It's all my fault. I deserve it. If that night didn't happen, he could have been happy living with Emily right now," I sobbed quietly.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door. I quickly wiped away the tears and took a deep breath. "What is it?" I asked.

"I'll be the one staying with Zion tonight," he said, then walked away.

"Wait!" He stopped walking." Are you going to stay home tomorrow?" I asked, hopefully.

"Yes, It's my day off," he said before continue walking.

I took a shower and planned for tomorrow's event before going to sleep.

The next day...

I woke up early in the morning and checked Zion's room. I found them both still sound asleep. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for both of us. I ate my food and went back to my room to take a bath. After my bath, I wore a simple shirt and pants. I picked up my purse and car keys and headed downstairs. Before leaving, I wrote a short note to Shane and left it beside his breakfast. Then walked out of the house and to any car and drove to the Mall.

Shane's P.O.V

I woke up from my sleep and looked at the time. It was 8 o'clock. I checked Zion beside him and found him still sleeping. I walked out of his room and walked towards the kitchen. I saw my breakfast on the table, a note beside it. I picked the note and read it.

'I'll be back at 7 o'clock, don't wait for me. Please eat your breakfast and have fun.'

"Tch," I picked up the plate and threw the food in the trash bin.

"Not like I'll bother waiting for you. I'll be happy if you won't come back," I said to myself and started cooking my breakfast.

The whole day, I played and watched TV with my beloved baby boy. I'm so happy spending the day with him without his mother in the house.

I smiled as I feed Zion with his milk. I checked the time from my phone and found out it's already 7:39 PM, and she still hasn't arrived yet.

"Not like I care,"

After putting Zion to sleep, I took a shower and slept beside him in his room.


I woke up from Zion, crying. I picked him up and started dancing around the room to make him stop, but he wouldn't. I tried to feed him, but he just cried and cried. I checked his diaper, still empty.

"Railey! Where the hell are you?!" I shouted angrily, where the hell is she when Zion needs her.

I walked out of the room with Zion crying in my arms and went to Railey's room. I opened the door and found it empty.

I went back inside Zion's room to get my phone and found 60 missed calls from my parents, 80 by Railey's parents, and 1 message from Railey.

I opened Railey's message first.

'I'm sorry, I'll be coming home late. Don't wait for me.'
8:02 PM

I frowned and called my mom. She picked it up after one ring.

"Shane?! Are you in the hospital?" She asked, sounding sad.

"Home, why? Why did you call me so many times last night? Why would I be in the hospital?" I asked, confused.

"You don't know?"

"What do you mean? What's going on?" I asked, frowning.

"It's Railey......she's..." then I heard her start crying.

"What about her?" I'm worried about her.

"She's....she's gone...Railey's gone...."

"What are you talking about, mom?"

"Railey is dead...she's dead...I'm so sorry, Shane....she got into a car accident......." My eyes widen. I felt cold, empty, weak. It's like something sucked out all my energy.

"Railey is dead...." Those words echoed in my head.

"She's in Saint Francis Hospital..." I heard mom said, I almost forgot about her.

I picked up Zion and my car keys, went out of the house, and drove to the hospital.  Zion finally stopped crying in his car seat.

We arrived in front of the hospital and went inside. I asked the nurse where Railey's room is and went towards it. I saw my mother-in-law waiting for me outside the room. I walked weakly towards her. She looked at me with her red puffy eyes. I gave Zion to her before walking inside the room. I saw Railey lay on the bed, lifeless. Her once beautiful skin is now as pale s death. Her once pink lips are now snow white. Tears start rolling down my cheek as I stare at the woman I didn't realize that I love so much.

I sat beside her bed and held her now cold hands. I cried and cried as I held her hand tightly.

"I'm so sorry.....Please..Come back.."

"I need you....Please, Railey...I love you..."

I remember her smiling face that greets me every time I come home from work, the food she cooked that I didn't even taste once, her kindness, her love.

I regret everything that I did to her. Now, I'll never see her smiling face ever again. Then I saw a red card sitting on the bed. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Shane,

I just wanted to thank you for being a great father to Zion and staying with me even if I was an eyesore. Just seeing you two makes me happy. Now, you're free from our marriage, from me. I want you to be happy, not for me, but for you. I never made you smile even for once, but I hope you'll find true happiness soon. Please take care of yourself and Zion while I'm gone. You two will always be in my heart forever.


"I love you too..." I whispered as tears kept falling.

"That was your wife's last words," someone said. It was Railey's father.

"I'll be a great dad to Zion and raise him like how you wanted to. I'll tell him stories about you every night. I promise you that. We love you," I whispered to her and kissed her forehead.



I hope you like my one shot.

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