Well im going to be screwed up

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I just had a nightmare,it's 1Am and I'm freaked out.

It takes ally to scare me to the point where I start to weakly scream in real life.

The dream started with me,sitting in my room watching YouTube on a white iPad mini,on my iPad I could make out a distinct drawing of something that I'll NEVER draw.It feels like bad luck if I did that.

It was a neon Galaxy Fazzie thing with white outlines,Once again I'm never drawing that,after it flicked to a video about the jokers awkward laugh then for some reason I began to panic and checked out my window.

There was a old man watching me,He noticed and ran up to me,I was in a car now for some reason and a felt actually petrified.

It was horrible.

Tonight I don't think I'm sleeping again.


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