A bit about me

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I feel like it will make more sense if you knew me first before I'd answer your questions..So here's ten facts about me ;) Enjoy x

*Im known as Umm Aaliyah

*I'm currently in high school.

* My favourite candy/ junk food are cupcakes (Don't judge ;) who doesn't anyway?)

*I'm a really shy person but once you get to know me you know that I'm crazy and weird ..( you probably noticed that by now...)

* My favourite subject is English.(On school days, the last thing I want to do is get out of my warm bed and plunge into a cold world of math, science, and the rest of my hectic school life. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of my English class. Why? It's simple: because English is the best subject in the Universe. I'm assuming there is no better subject on Mars or any other planet.)

* I have four best friend ( #hijabi squad!)

* I want to become a Taalibul Ilm (Student of knowledge) and hopefully then go on to be an Aalimah/Shaykhah inshallah!!

* I bake a lot and experiment with different things.

*my favourite colour is white but I also love black.I wear black all day EVERYDAYYY ;)

* Things that irritate me are:
just 2 words' Ironing Hijabs '
(This is so annoying when my hijab is wrinkly and I have to iron it. Let's just says this take 99.99% of my time..?)

* I'm a HIJABI ( your probably already knew from the title of this book ;) )

You know me a little more know. Comment your Questions or message me and I'll make sure to answer them.
Jazakallah khairan Guys

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