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Girls POV
The boys moved us into there  basement its cold and we have beds and thick but thin covers

Alicia POV
I want to go home miss my boyfriend Cody I bet he misses me to I'm scared I bet I can call him on my phone I had found we can't just walk out the room cause the door locks from the out side

Alicia:hey guys I found a phone
Me:when did u find it
Kenya:y didn't u tell us
Alicia: i didnt think u needed to know at the time
Me:call somebody
Alicia:can I call Cody
Me:yeah thats someone right
Alicia:okay fine

Cody POV
Hi I'm cody that's me in the picture thingy my girlfriend MNA me is alicia I haven't spoke too her in like 2 days lord please don't let us be broken up or something happened to her

            Phone call
Alicia:come on cody pick up pick up
Alicia:hello baby
Alicia: hey look I need u come get me antigone and Kenya
(Okay look I'm tired of typing there whole name so um just gone put C-CODY and A-ALICIA)
C:why r u okay
C:Wats wrong
A:these boys we met at school asked us to come to there party and when w ( gets cut of by antigone grabbing the phone)
Me: they rapped us and kidnapped us so just come us she over trying to explain the whole story
Me:it otay
C:umm where are u
A:(tells him the address)

More updates coming soon love y'all
Savage😑😑😒😒      To: readers😚😚

Those my favorite emojis so yeah bye

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