Chapter 3 | Meeting Ootori

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I have no excuse as to why I haven't uploaded in a while. I've had this prewritten for months, but never got around to actually publishing it :'^) I'm working on the next chapter right now, so you'll most likely have a double update! Also, I often post on my other Ouran book, which is about me ranting about terrible Ouran cliches! CHeck it out if you're interested!

Now, enjoy this chappie!~

The vexatious sound of my alarm awoke me early in the morning. Today was the day I would meet the Ootoris. Thankfully, I woke up early enough to get ready for the day, then send my younger brothers off to school. Smiling, I quickly hopped out of bed and rummaged through my closet in hope to find something appropriate to wear when I meet the Ootoris.

Slipping on a pair of black leggings and a white blouse, I quickly brushed my newly cut hair and my pearly white teeth before sliding into a pair of white socks. After I finished getting ready, I walked down to the kitchen, where my brothers were currently grabbing some muffins to eat before school.

"Good morning boys, off to school already?" I asked, grabbing a muffin for myself as I smiled at the younger boys. They hummed a response, as it was rude to speak with your mouth full. I giggled before taking a bite of my blueberry muffin. Swallowing the soft food, I smiled at the boys before giving them a quick hug, "Have fun at school, I'll be here until you get home with Ootori~kun!"

"Thank you sis, we'll be home in a few hours." Kaoru told me, giving me a peck on my forehead with a smile. Hikaru messed with my hair with a chuckle as I slapped his hand.

"Might wanna fix your bags while we're gone. The Ootori's are big on first impressions and you don't want them to think you stay up all night raging." Hikaru advised before pecking my cheek. I nodded before waving them off as they exited the mansion. Sighing, I ran up to my room and grabbed a small bag of unused makeup before running over to my mums studio, where she was sketching out new designs for her latest clothing line.

"Ah, hello dear! What do you have with you?" She asked me, pointing to the bag with the back of her pencil. Smiling, I showed her the bag before asking her to do my makeup. She smiled proudly before setting her pencil down and starting on my makeup.


"And....! Finished!" Mum exclaimed, grabbing a nearby mirror to show me how she did. I gasped as I looked at the makeup. She didn't do too much, which I was thankful for, but I didn't look as if I was just recovering from an illness. I glomped my mum as she giggled. Thanking her, I quickly left her studio and went downstairs to the lounge, where I browsed TV shows until I heard the doors of the manor open.

"Kazue! We're home!" Hikaru yelled, trying to gain my attention as I turned off the TV and began walking over to the entrance of the mansion.

"We brought Kyouya~Senpai, too!" Kaoru yelled before I entered the area with a bright smile on my face. I hugged my brothers as they kissed my cheeks in a greeting, I giggled before pulling away as I cracked a smile to the group.

"Welcome home Brothers! I missed you!" I told them as they commented on my makeup. I explained to the twins that Mum did my makeup before turning to Ootori~kun, who had arrived with the boys, "Ah, you must be Ootori~kun! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, my brothers wont stop talking you up."

"The pleasure is all mine Miss." Ootori told me, bowing with a weak smile as I did the same, "You must be Kazue, the girl who just recovered from a serious illness?"

I nodded before straightening my back out. I lead the group over to the lounge, where we sat down as Ootori and I started to get acquainted. He asked questions, which I gave quick answers to. 

"So, it has come to my attention that you will be starting school at Ouran Academy on Monday, am I correct?" Kyouya asked, pushing up his glasses with a smirk. I nodded before he began to question me further, leaning forward on his seat as he looked at me, "That's a bit soon, don't you think? It'll be a bit of a challenge to start this early after recovering."

"I understand that it's fairly soon, but I crave a normal life. Plus, who doesn't love a challenge?" I answered, copying his movements by leaning forward on the couch I was sitting in, opposite of the raven. Kyouya nodded before the twins wrapped their arms around me and started to boast.

"Nee~Chan's amazing at everything, so I bet she'll be fine!" Hikaru told him, rubbing my cheek against his. Kaoru did the same as they continued to brag about me, "Kazue's really smart, too! Maybe even smarter than you Kyouya~Senpai!"

"I doubt that. Ootori~kun seems like a smart lad. He's likely smarter than me." I told them, pushing them away as I giggled. The boys pouted before hugging me once more, tighter than the first time. I sighed before looking back at Ootori, who looked as if he was amused, "Ootori~kun, would you like something from the kitchen? Perhaps some tea or a snack?"

"Hm, some tea would be appreciated. Thank you very kindly Miss." He answered, tugging at his tie as if it was choking him. I nodded before pushing my brothers away again. I smiled before pointing to the nearby stairs.

"You two, go get dressed. The maids need to clean your uniforms for Monday. While you're doing that, I'll go get some maids to get some tea." I told them before they both saluted and ran up the stairs. I smiled before excusing myself to get some tea. As I reached the kitchen, I saw that they had already started. Thanking them, I grabbed the other things that we needed and set them on the tray that a butler had started to prepare. Quick enough, we finished with the tea and brought it over to Ootori and the twins, who had just finished getting changed out of their uniforms.

For the next few hours, the group and I chatted and joked around until it was time for Ootori to leave. We all said our goodbyes before the raven exited the mansion. Sighing, I excused myself from my brothers to take a break from all of the socialization.


So, how was this chappie? I wrote some parts while listening to KPop, so it might be trash ( This is why you don't listen to BTS and EXO while writing, Tiffany =_= )


Discontinued | Miracle Child | An OHSHC FanFiction | Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora