The Leader

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Terran lowered his breath. He was in a dimly lit room. He touched the bloody leaves that was wrapped around his wound. He gritted his teeth. It hurt to touch it. Terran shifted his head. So, am I back at the hideout?  Terran heard footsteps reach near him. He retreated into a corner and felt the scaly wall on his torn shirt. Two children, a boy and a girl, walked inside. Terran smiled. It was two of his friends, Nathan and Martha. Martha was a sixteen year old girl. Her clothes were torn, but they were small holes. Her boots were slightly muddy. Nathan was only seven years old. He was like a son to Martha. His clothes were nice and clean, mainly because Martha made sure to wash them in the river everyday. They bent down next to Terran. Martha's glasses slid down her nose. Terran noticed that they were in great condition, despite all the trouble that Martha has been in.

"Terran," she mumbled, shoving her glasses back on her face, "You need to be careful out there. Anyway, where is your sister? She wasn't there when we came to retrieve you."

"W-wait... what... you don't have her?" Terran face darken with sadness.

"Afraid not," chimed in Nathan, "The dogs really deal a number on ya though. It was tough getting pass them. I nearly gave up."

"So... you don't know where your sister ended up... I wonder...," Martha walked back outside, her hand on her chin. Nathan watched as she left the room. He ran off after her, leaving Terran alone, once again. He sighed, and layed his head onto the wall. Where could she be..., he wondered, where is she.... Terran tried to stand up to his feet. He winced in pain and fell onto his side. He grumbled. He needed help to find his sister. He had no choice. There was no way he could find her on his own. He was in too much pain, it would takes weeks for him to feel better. Martha walked back into the room. She stared at Terran, shaking her head.

"Tsk tsk tsk," she said, waging her finger at him, smirking, "You two should have handle that situation better. Is this how Butch trained you? I think not. Now look, you failed him and your sister. Heh. I thought you was better than...," Martha stop speaking. The smirk she wear on her face faded into terror, "Wait a sec Terran... if there was dogs... attacking... could this be the work... of the adults? Maybe they got her... and... if they got her... you wouldn't have a chance of getting her back... that's how we lost most of our members."

Terran held back his tears.

"You know," he gurgled. His voice alone showed fear. "Maybe... there is a chance... T-this time... I have something to fight for." He, once again, tried to stand up. Martha walked over to his side to help him stand. They both exchanged looks at each other. She helped Terran walked out of the room. She walked him outside. The base only had three building. The clan mainly lived in hollowed-out trees.

"Terran," said Martha, "I'm gonna take Nathan with us. He should be in my tree. He shouldn't be seeing these things... but I think he'll only be save with me. Now, let's go see Butch."

"Man... I hate Butch. He may be the leader and all... but still, the dude's a total butt."

"Heh, yeah I know. Makes me sad that I formally served him. That little snob knocked me down some ranks before his brother was kicked. His time is almost up though. Just like mine."

"Y-yeah... I'm gonna miss ya when you're gone though. But thank you for all the work you've done."

"No problem. I didn't have a choice though. Live or die was on my mind. I choose live. What a silly mistake. Oh! When I'm gone, make sure to take care of Nathan for me, ok?"


Martha nodded. In the clan, when you reach the age eighteen, you must leave. Eighteen is the age of adult. Even if you are the leader. Only children are allowed into the clan.

The duo walked deeper into the base. They reached an area covered with leaves. They pulled the leaves apart and step onto the hard rocks. There, they saw a 17 year old boy, setting on a wheel and eating an apple. It was the leader, Butch. He saw them walking up to them. He shifted his body towards them. His expression turned to annoyance. He didn't like to be bothered.

"What?" demanded Butch.

"So, we lost a member today...," mumbled Martha, "Terran and I are going to find her, but we are going to need some help."

"Naw," replied Butch, "if we lost a member, then we lost a member. This person should had been prepared. The girl shudda been ready."

"But... it's my sister." mention Terran.

"And I care why? Also, Martha I need YOU. Something pop up a while ago. Those hunters are out again. They might have got that Gatelhn, whatever her name is..."

"Tatelyn," whispered Terran.


"Why should I help you if you won't let me save Tatelyn?"

"And? I'm the leader. You do as I say. Now, I'm putting you back as a spy. I want you to get some info on them hunters. If you see Tatelyn, remember her about how much of a failure she is. I'm assigning Dave and Shelby to help you on this mission. "


Terran turned to Martha. His face was shocked.

"Don't worry," Martha whispered into Terran's ear. "I got this."

Butch stood up. He stared at Terran and noticed his wound.

"So you wasn't prepared either? How did you get here?"

"Hm? You didn't send them to come save me?"

Butch grew angry. He kicked Terran and his wound. The force knocked him out of Martha's grip. Martha gasped at the sight. Terran moaned in pain. Butch turned back to Martha.

"You better be ready too. I don't like ya, but you are one of the best members here. You're way better than this shameful display." Butch pointed at Terran.

"Butch," grumbled Martha, "You didn't have to do that..."

She ran to Terran and helped him back up to his feet.

"You alright? C'mon, I'll take you to my tree. I want you to watch Nathan for me though."

Terran nodded.

"Just get my sister here in one piece."

"I will."

Terran smiled. Don't worry Tatelyn... Martha is coming...

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