Fast Forward Volleyballs

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Chapter 2

Reniya's POV.

Ahh!! It's my first day of college life!! This place looks awsome! There was a garden area and a lawn area from the front to the sides. They even have a canteen with shakes!

As I walked towards the school entrance, I notice boys and girls were playing volleyball in the lawn infront of the school. There was this pretty brunette girl doing a spike from the other side.

Her serve was too hard that it came towards me. Thud! With that I fell on the ground.

"Omy G! Im so so so sorry!" I heard a female voice.

She tried to help me sit up.When my vision got clear I saw the person hit my head looking at me with eyes full of worry.

"It's ok. It's not a big deal" I said.

When I tried to touch the part where I was hit , at that exact moment a painful maon came out of my lip.

"Kaylis ! What did you do this time?" A male voice said.

I saw a cute guy who was looking at the girl who hit me. Huh, her name must be Kaylis.

"Umm, uhh" The Kaylis girl stuttered.

"It was an accident!" Kaylis protest.

" Serously? Another victim?" He asked. They moved a little farther from me.

"Another what?" I asked. Another victim? Is she a killer?!

"Ohh! There have been 3 victims so far" a blonde girl said.My eyes widdened. 3 victims ! She murdered 3 people.

"Oh no! She didn't kill anyone. She hit them with a ball. I was the second one, and your the third" the blonde girl explained.

" Was he the first ?" I ask pointing to the cute guy.

She laughs, shaking her head" Daniel? Oh no! They meet before I meet her. Their childhood bestfriends." She answered.

"Then who was the first?" I asked.

"Uhh, his name is Ja-" the blonde girl said before she was inturepted.

"Liza!" I look up and saw Kaymis? I think, calling the blonde who I assume, Liza.

But never assume, things may not be what they seem. Liza looked down like a puppy who disobeyed it's master. So her name's Kaylis, I got to remember that.

All of the sudden, my head started a pain storm. I let out another painfull maon as I brought my hands to the temple where I was hit.

"Hey,are you ok?" Keylis ask as she place her hands on top of mine.

I tried to nod but ended up maoning in pain. " come on! lets take her to the clinic!" A guy said.
Welcome Darkness!

Keylis' POV.

Liza and I entered the school quite early. First, she and I went to our lookers before taking our class schedules.We stood at my locker.

" Keylis! look it's Gabriel! He's looking at you while his kissing another girl" she said.

I looked at him and shouted "Gabriel! We're done!"

" so what do you want to do?" She asked.

"Uhh, let's play volleyball." I suggest.

"Sounds great!" She agreed.

I opened my looker once again. I took my volleyball in my locker. What ? I always keep a volleyball inside my loker.

" Liza, text Daniel, Ben, Mika and the guys that there joining the volleyball game." I instructed her.

She immediently texted them.

As always, Liza has her phone prepared and her laod. She's a text adik. If her phone's dead then she uses her second phone. If both her phone's died then she'll use her laptop.

----Yard ( volleyball accident )

"Kaylis! You got to stop theses accidents!" He told me.

" You know it's not my fault! It was an accident!" I reasoned.

That's Daniel for you, always looking out for me. We've been bestfriends for years. Before my parents died, he would be treated like a prince by my parents and I would be the princess of the castle( basically my house).

We were neighbors before. We also finished Kindergarten,Grade school,high school and now collage.

He's been there for me when he died and when the other 'he' happened. He was also there when 'he' um, nevermind.In other word's he is like another brother of mine. (A/N THEY'RE NOT BROTHERS AND SISTERS)

"Who was the first?" The new girl asked.

" Uhh, his name is Ja-" Liza was about to say his name.

"Liza!" I shouted with pure anger. She looked down in shame.

'She better be! She almost freaking lost my dignity!' I thought. The new girl began to maon in pain. 'Shit! Did I cause this?' I ask myself.

"What do you think? Idiot" Inner me says. 'Meanie'

I looked at her, watching her hold the temple area where I hit her.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask with worry as I place my hands on top of hers. She tried to nod but ended up maoning in pain.

" Come on! Lets take her to the clinic!" Angelo shouted. I nod at his words.

"Liza you and the girls, get her stuff to the clinic and get her schedule" she nod

"alright, Daniel, Angelo, Ben and I will bring her to the clinic" I continued.

They started doing what I told them to do. We got to the clinic the fastest as we could. We told the nurse what happened and she nod before going back to work.

She woke up 10 minutes later. It's still early so I didn't have to worry about being late. She walked out the clinic and saw us.

"Hey, sorry about hitting you in the head" I apologize.

"Hey it's ok, I'm fine now. Im Reniya Kart by the way." She answered.

"Hai, I'm Kaylis Pepli. Dispite what happened earlier, Im your tour guide by the way." I introduced myself.

I volunteered to guide or tour the new students. This maybe my first year in college but im already familiar with this place.

" oh! Im supposed to meet you at the Guidance Office, but right now I don't think we need to go there anymore." I smiled at what she said.

"Come on I'll show you to your loker" I offered.

" That would be great" she said.

" Liza and the girls brought your stuff" I told her.

"Thank you" she said to the guys behind me.

I chuckled at how they looked. Some we're uncomfortable, some where greatful and some didn't know how to respond.

I guess your gonna ask why I have friends like that. There all different? Yep! And that's what I love about my friends. Some we're nerds, some Jocks, some badass, some flirt and some careless.

I am a weird person. I have different personallities like I can be be the good girl and the same time bitch or be the shy girl and be the wild one. But hey, who says you need to be in a category to be normal? We'll I don't care.

But what really bothers me is that every person I hit with a ball always seem to be the person who I can't forget like him and Liza. It seems that my Volleyballs can tell my future.

Hey guys I proud to say this chapter once again reach 1000 words, just like the first chapter. If your gonna ask when will they meet? Its gonna happen soon.

Love you guys!

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