I Dare Ya'

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“Andres…Wh-What are you doing?!” It came out colder than Dare wanted it to be Andres smirk was now wavering on his young face. The boy had stepped up to Dare, his hands had been placed upon Dare’s hips and he seemed to be deep in thought about something. Dare swallowed rather loudly, Andres hands had now started to push Dare’s shirt up. “Andres…”

Andres tilted his head up so their eyes would meet, “Dare.” He breathed out, “Tilt your head down.”

He didn’t feel quite right about this, but he listened anyway. Andres took one of his hands and placed it on the back of Dare’s neck; he brought the boy’s face closer to his own and chuckled softly. “What’s with that expression?” Before Dare could even answer Andres had captured his mouth with his own. A soft groan of displeasure sounded in the back of his throat. Andres pulled away and knitted his thin eyebrows together, “What’s the matter?”

Dare breathed out slowly, “Aren’t we movin’ a bit fast for a first date?” Not that Dare minded the kissing, just…Andres didn’t like him that wasn’t that correct? Dare had been pretty sure his affection was completely one sided.

Andres laughed at him then, “Dare, have we not known each other for quite some time?” Andres eyes flickered to the side quickly, “Don’t be so shy.” Andres brought his arms up to Dare’s chest then shoved him back, Dare landed with a thump and a creak upon his bed. Dare tried to turn over and move, but Andres was upon him, straddling his hips before he could even do so, Andres grabbed onto Dare’s wrists and held them down on his bed, “Don’t be so shy.” He repeated and Dare swallowed, in his dreams Andres was never this assertive.

He nodded slowly, “Okay.”

“Good.” Andres released Dare’s wrists and leaned back over him, their faces inches apart, “Now…How do you want it? I could take control or…” Andres hand had found its way lower upon Dare’s body, Dare bit down on his lip as Andres rubbed him softly, “The other way around?” Dare wasn’t sure what he wanted to be perfectly honest, the faint noise of a belt buckle being undone brought him back to focus,

“Andres.” He breathed, but before he could say anything else the male had started kissing him again, Dare tried to speak in-between them, but when his lips parted Andres took that as an open invitation, his tongue had found its way into Dare’s mouth. Dare shuddered as Andres tongue explored his mouth, between these kisses and Andres hands exploring his body Dare had quite the embarrassing reaction.

“Heh, you’re kind of hard Dare.”

Dare groaned again when Andres’ hands had met his own flesh and played with him further, “Andres…Stop.”

Instantly the boy quit.

“Oh.” He mumbled, Dare could tell he was being started at with a bewildered expression, “I am…so sorry.”

The pressure on Dare’s body was beginning to let up, instinctively he reached up and snagged onto Andres arm, he pulled the other back down and swung his leg around so now he was the one on top of Andres. “I want to try.” He whispered he slid his slender fingers over Andres’ lips, “Just once…”

Andres wasn’t sure if he liked this position, Dare had found a way to yank Andres pants and boxers off while he had his tongue down his throat, his fingers were slowly moving in and out of the smaller boy. He gasped loudly when Dare’s fingering grew more aggressive, “Dare-“ His teeth gritted together and a soft moan escaped him, “I don’t want your fingers.” The boy instantly quit, he appeared startled as he stared down at Andres,

“Are you sure?”

Andres nodded with a soft smile; he had been sure for quite some time now.

Dare spread Andres legs apart then froze, he looked back at the door and he was sure of what he heard a soft jingling.

“Your mom’s home.”

Andres groaned loudly, “Hurry up and get dressed.” They’d both have to take of themselves later it seemed. Dare pressed his lips to Andres’ one last time before he hopped up and gathered his clothes.

Stupid family.

He heard the door creak open and snarled.

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