Chapter 3

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I stood backstage at the X Factor waiting for them to tell me to go. I kept fidgeting with the microphone and I think everyone could tell I was nervous. I looked over at my mum, she smiled big and gave me a thumbs up. The guy on stage was getting his answers from the judges and they were all no's, this didn't help my nerves at all.

Whoever he was, he started walking off the stage and looked at me with tears in his eyes "Good luck", I gave him a small smile.

I started feeling worse. I had picked a certain song and it meant a lot to me and I had to show my audition to Isabelle. I had realized something in these past two days and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

A voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Sir its your time to go, good luck to you." the guard next to me said. I turned and looked at my mother one last time, she was already crying. I smiled and started walking on to the stage.

The lights were bright, how could people ever get use to this? People started clapping as soon as they could see me, I just hoped they would do the same after I was done singing. I went to the middle of the stage and stood where the tape marked an "X" on the stage. I looked up and smiled at the judges.

"What's your name young man?" Simon asked me.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson." I said shakily.

"Alright Louis, what will you be singing for us?" he smiled at me.

"Hey There Delilah by the Plain White Tees" I answered smiling. If they only knew how much this song meant to me.

"Well good luck to you, start when you're ready." he said.

I nodded and started singing the first verse of the song and thought of her.

I ran off the stage and straight into my mom's arms, she was bawling like a baby and I was close to tears. "I knew you could do it Lou, I'm so proud of you!" she said while squeezing me tight.

All of the judges said yes, I got through. I actually did it. I was so nervous and thought I ruined the song but they loved it.

"I can't wait for you to show Isabelle, she will be so proud." mom said finally letting me out of her hug.

I forgot I had to show Izzy, I suddenly got nervous again. I had to tell her everything.

I guess mom could tell by the look on my face and no response that I was nervous, "Louis is there anything you want to tell me?" she looked at me questioningly.

"No mum, I need to talk to her first." I told her.

"Alright, lets go get the details for how the rest of this is supposed to work and then we will head home. I am so proud of you baby boy." she said again with more tears filling her eyes.

"I love you mum," I smiled and gave her a hug.

I had to go through boot camp in a week and then they would narrow it down to 12 boys to go to the live shows. That made me even more nervous, there were a lot of guys with amazing talent. We were on our way home and the closer we got, the more nervous I got. I promised I would Skype Isabelle as soon as I got home.

I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes.

"Louis we're home," I heard my moms voice next to me, "wake up."

I opened my eyes and nodded at her, "Sorry for falling asleep mum."

"It's alright, it was a big day. I am going to go make a celebration dinner and you need to call Isabelle, I bet she's freaking out right now." she said while climbing out of the car.

I walked inside and went upstairs to my room. I jumped on my bed and just lied there watching my ceiling fan. I knew I was just trying to distract myself but I had to call her. I grabbed my laptop from the floor and turned it on. I logged into Skype and saw she wasn't on. I would have to text her, hopefully she was busy.

I sent her a text message and waited. A couple of minutes later the green dot appeared next to her name, and then the next thing I knew I was receiving a video call message. I sat up straight and clicked answer.

A bright eyed Isabelle appeared on the screen, "Louis, tell me everything! How did you do? Did you make it? What did you sing? Oh my gosh Louis!"

I laughed, "Calm down Izzy, I will tell you everything if you will be quiet and just listen."

She stuck her tongue out, "Deal, now tell me Lou."

I smiled at her silliness, "Okay so I got there and had to wait in this long ass line and they interviewed me and stuff. And I finally got backstage and I was nervous. I was so nervous Izzy, the guy in front of me didn't make it so that made it worse. And then it was my time to go, and I walked out onto to stage and the lights were so bright, I don't know how stars get used to that. And then I sang for the judges."

She was smiling while listening to me talk about my story, "And what? What happened?" I could tell she was eager to find out, which made me relax a little.

"I got through, all the judges said yes." I smiled big and laughed a little. I ruffled my hair with my hand.

She let out a squeal, "I knew you could do it! I am so proud of you Louis, congrats!" she smiled huge and looked genuinely happy for me.

"Thank you, thank you for making me do it, I wouldn't have done it without you," I said. "I'm still nervous though."

"Awh don't be Lou, you already made it past the big part. What did you sing?" she asked.

"I sang Hey There Delilah," I said "it just seemed a perfect song to sing." I smiled lightly.

She looked at me with a confused look, "Why?"

"It just fit into how I was feeling." I bit my lip, I knew this conversation had to happen but I couldn't help my nerves. My stomach felt like it was doing flips and I could feel my face heating up.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm feeling like I umm," I looked down, I couldn't finish.

"Louis come on, tell me." she said firmly.

I looked up at the screen and looked straight at her, "I sung the song because it reminds me of you. I'm in love with you Isabelle."

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