No End

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It was five in the morning when I heard a tapping at my window. I was more than half-asleep and very angry at that. But curiosity got the best of me and I forced myself out of bed. The darkness swallowed me up, engulfing me in its sea of black. The only light was that window, which was being harassed by several small pebbles, too light to do any damage...that is, except for the damage to my brain since I didn't get any sleep. All last night I had been awake, staring about the ceiling and arguing with myself, wondering if I'll ever pull it together. To think about it, I hadn't been through that much. Or maybe it just seemed that way since it all happened at once. Like one, huge bomb exploding in my face without mercy.

Sighing, I opened the window and peeked out. Why hadn't I guessed? Of course it was Liam. Who else?

"What are you doing Liam?" I called in a tired voice.

"Uh-what does it look like?" he returned in his smartass tone.

I rolled my eyes. "It looks like you're trying to get your ass kicked. I'm tired!"

Liam smirked. "Would you just talk to me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Should I let down my hair or...?" I started humorously.

He snorted loud enough for me to hear. "Just come down here, Princess."

Groaning, I went downstairs, not bothering to change out of my PJs, even though I knew what this was about. My mom was either asleep or maybe she left already. I didn't want to know. But unfortunately, I knew where my dad was. I just didn't know what he was doing. But I was determined to find out. Somehow, I had to deal with Liam to figure that out.

"Take long enough?" Liam greeted me at the front door.

"Shh," I scolded.

"Sorry, I'm sorry..."

We crossed the street to his house without talking. There was nothing to talk about. We'd said what we needed least, I did. He still looks like there's something he wants to tell me. But I wouldn't concern myself with it. I was his problem now.

As soon as we got to the other side of the street, I could hear their voices through his open bedroom window at the side of the house. This place had some seriously thin walls for sure.

We climbed inside. Liam went first so that he could help me down when I got in. He put his hands around my waist and began to guide me down the levels of his dresser. I attempted to shoo him off with the hand that was the most available for use, but doing this caused me to slip. Irritation radiated off of me as I found myself locked in the safety of his arms.

I pushed him off of me and he immediately got confused.

"I just caught you from falling and you push me away? Ouch," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "You saved YOURSELF from getting caught sneaking a girl into your room."

He laughed silently and I struggled to contain my own laughter at how bad that really sounded. Wow, we are so immature.

Leaning my head up against his closed bedroom door, Liam doing the same, we eavesdropped on our parents' conversation, which got suddenly quiet and almost inaudible. But I could make out most of it.

"...what does you wife think about this?...I know...but...Have you talked to Morgan about this?" That was LeAnn's voice.

My father's reply: "No...should I have? Do you think...Morgan and Liam...get along?"

The parts of their conversation that I couldn't make out frustrated me and I couldn't hold down a growl. Liam's eyes widened and a finger flicked to his mouth, silencing me and realizing that our parents had stopped talking. We waited in ever-so painful impatience as I wondered whether or not we'd been caught. But they started talking again, obviously not taking much notice of my slip.

LeAnn: "I'll discuss it with Liam. We'll just with each with it."

I gasped and stumbled away from the door. Should I storm out of the room and reveal my angry self? Let them know that I hate them both right now? The last few words LeAnn said still rung in my ears and I wanted to scream just to drown out the sound of her evil voice. There was NO WAY I was going to live here with Liam and his deceiving mother. I didn't even look like her! She was a pale blonde, I a dark brunet. We didn't have the same looks, personalities, and they expect me to live with this woman? Ha. They'll get my opinion.

Liam squeezed my arm and pulled me close to him so that I could hear his shushed voice.

"Morgan. Calm down. We'll talk to them. It's not so bad."

He seemed so convinced in his words. So confident that he was right and everything could go back to normal. This persuasive reassurance made me realize that it wasn't the end of the world. I could fix this. I had to. If I just grabbed a little attention.

An idea hit me. That's what I would do. I would get their attention. All of theirs.

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