The selection: Jane

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I sat in my bed nervous. Tomorrow what I call home will be invaded with boys. The selection is usually held with one prince and many girls. I am the only child of King Maxon and Queen America. It wouldn't be this way if my mother didn't have a miscarriage many years ago. She didn't want it to happen again so I, Jane, will be leading the selection.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said trying to sound as energetic as possible.

My father walked in and stood next to my bed.

"Hello darling," he said, "I hope I didn't disturb you. We just need to talk for a moment."

"Alright" is said a little anxiously.

"I just wanted to let you know that whoever you pick I will support your decision," he said, "but remember, this boy will be the leader of this country. You need to choose well."

"Why can't I lead Ilèa?" I blurted out.

"You know you can't darling," he said looking down, "it's just how it is."

I nodded slowly.

"Okay, goodnight darling" he said as he kissed my forehead and left my room leaving me there alone.

I tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. I decided to go to the garden. I, just like my mother, love the garden. I put my robe on and crept to the garden. I ordered the guards to let me into the garden. I sat on a bench near some roses. I inhaled the scent of them. I was just about to doze off when a guard picked me up and carried me to my room.

I sat up in my bed and wondered who I would marry. Do I even want to get married at all? I want to marry someone I want to, not who Ilèa wants me too. I guess that's the way it works here. It work for my father, my grand father, and so on. It must have to work for me.

I still had no luck sleeping. I decided to draw. I sat on my drawing table in my room and got out some paper and pencils. I started to sketch a rose bush. It had thorns, petals, and beside it a bench. It became more and more detailed. I couldn't stop drawing. I added the moon and stars in the background. It was a lovely sight. I got some paints out and began to paint the pink roses. I went down to the light green stem, to the brown dirt. I painted the beautiful dark blue sky, and the bright white moon. I finished it off by painting the gray stone bench. Before I knew it I was sleeping on a tray of paints.


The selection: JaneWhere stories live. Discover now