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(This book is going to alternate between four main characters, one per chapter, maybe sometimes two. As seen below, you will be able to tell which character is being focused on. Each chapter upon first publication will be in a draft form and once I am finished with the book, I will edit each one. I hope you vote and give as much feedback to help me improve on the story

Also; I am making a 'placeholder' for the cover, but I would appreciate if anyone that could make one in a similar design to the placeholder, I would be grateful!)



When summer ends and the leaves start to fall, I am coated in overwhelming joy. Summer in the south is usually hell, so as soon as the weather starts to get worse, everything and everyone seems to get happier. It's the complete opposite to the idea of dark rain clouds being a sign of depression. Dark rain clouds make me happy. 

Summer brought everlasting memories. For me and my friends, we made memories worth sharing to our kids. The kind of stories that make you want to hear more. Some almost too good to be true.


The past.

What if we could change it all? Bend the words that were once said and paint a new picture. Would life be better if we could change whatever we pleased? Would it make life worse for other people? Our vast world brings us endless possibilities and ideas. God-like powers are something no one can obtain. Except for one, certain thing.

The Matchmaking System. 

It was born over a century ago, taking two people of similar or even different backgrounds and pairing them together. Inevitably, those people will fall in love and live happily. It's something magical that can't be explained. Love is usually earned, like trust. This system pries open those emotions and then forces them on the other person. You can't even question the nature of the system and how it works because it is something no scientist or person has been able to comprehend. 

This system.. The only things we are sure of are the things that happen leading up to and after it has picked a match. Firstly, a ten-day countdown is displayed. It is visible only by the people who have been matched, so if you see a countdown near someone, then they are your match. It's as simple as that. The only other thing we know is that after love blossoms, the initials of your partner are etched onto your wrist, to remind you of your relationship. 

The system doesn't pick everyone and give them a match. There isn't an equal amount of people for that to happen. 


The world will always have people who are alone. It's how they handle their loneliness that decides how they will go on in life. Any unsuspecting person can fall into The Matchmaking System. It's something that happens quite rarely to teenagers, like me and this may be because of the psychological effects love can take on. Sometimes, the system seems to pick teenagers and we assume it is because they will be able to handle the emotions.

Yet still ever since the last week of the summer, I have had this image that it was going happen to me. The night I spent alone with was the night I wanted it to just happen, so he could love me as I loved him.

That night-

Midnight came and it was the turn of a new day. We had been separated from our other friends at the campsite we were staying at, holed up in a small rocky cave. It had been raining, surprisingly, which had caused the rocks to shine and sparkle, creating small yet noticeable reflections for us to stare in. I put my phone away and looked up at Caleb. I had strong feelings for him. He had helped me in numerous situations and we had been close friends since our freshman year. 

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