My Name Is...

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I'll start with my name, because it explains a lot: Hazel Hope Valiant Scamander. Nice to meet you.

Hazel, or as I jokingly refer to myself, No-Witch Hazel; since despite my family background -- pureblood on all sides -- no "witch" or other magical powers have ever shown up in me.

Hope, because clearly my parents -- well, my mother, Morgana, at least, was really hoping I'd be powerful (see bloodline, above).

Valiant, my mother's surname. That's important to where I live now. Without it, I'd be stuck back in Ontario, Canada, where I was born.

And Scamander, of course, for my darling father's family. Lifesavers, every single one of them. Especially my cousins, Theseus and Newt. Mostly Newt and Uncle 'Mander (I had trouble with combination sounds early on, and the nickname stuck -- for Auntie 'Mander, as well). They were the kindest people in my life, when I most desperately needed kindness.

Now I'm preparing to return the kindness, as Newt and his new wife, Porpentina, or Tina, are on their way to my ancestral home here in France (that would be the Valiant ancestors) while wrapping up their honeymoon Grand Tour.

Best of all -- almost better than seeing my baby cousin for the first time in years -- Tina's sister Goldie and her husband -- a No-Maj, of all things! -- are along on the same trip.

Growing up in Canada, I hardly ever met No-Majs (sorry, those are people born into non-magical families). Later, when I went to live in England with my aunt and uncle, I only occasionally ran into muggles, as they were called in the British Isles, but never really got to know one.

Aside from meeting the woman who would marry my little cousin (seriously, who is she?!), I am most excited to get to know an actual No-Maj. I hear he is a pretty great guy.

I refuse to use the S-word to describe myself. I find it ugly and dismissive. So really, I'm a No-Maj myself. That's how I like to think of me. I might not have magic, but I have other powers. You'll see.

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