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         1. the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community

What people do and say daily is what make them who they are. The actions they take to figure out problems or even just the simplest things. They all contribute to a society. Most people sit by and let the society control them, even without them knowing.

Just doing what they're told, going to school, following the rules, answering the questions asked. They are all just things created by a society to avoid havoc and the real problems. But, since they exist, people forget the real reason why they do things. People don't believe they have the power to change or do something, even back when everyone was little. With this happening, they go along with the society and it's rules and live their lives with basically no purpose. 

But, I see past the society.

Ever since I was born, I have seen and done things that differ from the ordinary person. In kindergarten, I would be asked simple questions, but give complex answers. I would be asked to draw something simple, and draw something that had nothing to do with what was asked of me. Growing up this way was no fun.

I was labeled and outcast for thinking outside of the society, outside of what was considered normal.

When reaching high school, you are asked a series of questions during your first class of freshman year. They are the following;

Where do you see yourself after high school?

How much money do you want to make?

Are you going to college, or straight into the workforce?

How do you plan to accomplish what you want to do in life?

These questions have no meaning except to confuse and get people thinking about their future in an educational sense. Me, I take these questions and answer them honestly instead of educationally. This is where the problem advanced.

I was called on to answer one of these questions out loud to my class. And after answering in my honest ways, I was laughed at by all, and the teacher had sent me out; and I was not aloud back in that class, knowing that I was going against the whole society form of things, even without realizing it.

Ever since then, my high school experience has been, as you may say, horrific.

I sit alone in all classes, only to be disturbed either by the teacher or by the bell. I spend most of the time, that I am not doing school work, observing my surroundings. I watch everyone go through their own high school experiences and I see that everyone, even though different, are on the same path. Try your hardest, graduate, and live in the world as another person corrupted by society.

But that's not always the case. There are some that don't try as hard and then fail out. There are few who try to hard and then end up psyching themselves out. And there are others that are different then the mainstream high school student, but try to not be, hiding behind a mask they create for themselves to hide who they really are to not be made fun of. Me, I have nothing to hide nor to hide from.

I carry with me three simple things throughout each day; my pencil, notebook, and laptop. I use these things to of course do school work, but also to take notes of how the society changes people.

I have grown up in a small town, going to school with the same people since I was little. This gave me the opportunity to evaluate each person over the years. That may seem strange, but what isn't. So, with that in mind, this is what I observed. I hope the truth doesn't hurt too much.


Coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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