Chapter 1- Helping out

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~Caroline's POV.~

I can't stay here I'll go crazy just waiting for Stefan, I have to talk to bonnie. So get up out of bed and go to the bathroom I take a quick shower.Then I get dressed in a black tank top with a blue jean jacket and some skinny jeans. I brush my hair curl it just a little, I do my make up just a bit and get my phone,purse,and keys.

I head out to my car and drive to where bonnie and enzo stay. I knock on the door and bonnie answers it."Hey care what's up!"she said happy. "We need to talk" I said nervously.

"what's wrong?" she said worried."Nothing it's just I cant stay here no more, I'm leaving town and going to New Orleans to see how Klaus and them are doing. I need this." I said hoping she wouldn't try to stop me.

"If that is what you need I'll support your decision. Just be careful care, and I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too bye bonnie." I say as I hug her. I walk back to my car and get in I start driving towards New Orleans. I hope this isn't a mistake.

~Haley's POV.~
Me and Hope get up and get ready today is a new day and we have big plans. We finish getting ready and we eat. Just as we are finishing up we hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it I tell hope and she gets up and starts to clean her dishes. I go open the door an who is it none other than......................Caroline Forbs!.......

~Caroline's POV.~
"Hi is Rebekah or any other of the other Michaelson family here?" I asked trying not to draw to the reason why I am really here. "No. Just me and hope.""who is hope?""oh you didn't know?..I think Klaus should tell you after we get him.

"I have no idea what is going on."what?""I think you should come in we need to talk.""okay." I walk into the home and we go sit down in the kitchen. There is this little girl about the age of 8 to 10 maybe. I sit down "what is going on?"

"Look Elijah, Rebekah,Cole, and their other sister have been put in a long time sleep awhile ago. But you came at the perfect time. We were just about to wake them up.""what!?!" I say shocked."where are their bodies?""Down in the basement."" Okay but what do we have to do to wake them up?"

"I have a witch but we need somethings each person they are in love with. Me, Matt, and Davina. "What?...Matt?.Who is Davina and you?""Because Rebekah loves Matt Elijah loves me and Kol loves Davina and Davina was a witch.

"what do you mean was?""she's dead.""what?...How at you gonna bring her back?......And is that all you need?""my witch is gonna help.... And no but I got it covered. It's the blood of a living relative.""But Finn is dead. Right?" Yes. But there is another relative.""Ok I'll call Matt."

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