And Now We Move back

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So, now we're back. Back to the time of bell-bottom pants, and frilly bell shirts. No, I don't mean the 1970's. I'm not that old. (And I guess I never will be now. *said in a joking manner*) I mean 1993 to 1994, when that fashion came in, and quickly back out of, style again. And the year I realized, and quickly unrealized, that I was gay, again. (Yep.) (Again, you ask? Don't worry, I'll get to it, just you wait.)

In 1994, I was twelve years old. Sitting in my classroom listening to the voice of an angel. Not really. It was the voice of a fellow sixth grader, whom, for the sake of this writing, I shall call Sally. Sally was sitting on her desk, legs dangling, and singing the most current hit R&B song on the charts, all the while the other kids in the classroom watched in awe. You shall hear a lot about Sally from here on in. Sally was adored by everyone. Crushed on by the boys, envied by the girls, and my secret best friend. Secret. Did you catch that part? Yeah...

I was Sally's secret best friend. Sally was popular. Little Lily was not. Little Lily had freckles, bright red hair, and braces. Little Lily was quiet and reserved. She was not talkative and outgoing. She was not someone that would sing to her hearts content in a classroom. Nor was she someone with whom Sally could be seen with in public. 

Sally had been my best friend since we were four and three years old. (I'm five months older.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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