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We woke up to alarms and everybody jumped up. I looked around and we were still in our costumes from last night. We took them off as we headed to Don's lab. He pressed alot of buttons and we looked at the screen. We all saw many figures with falshlights running in the sewers. Donnie and looked scared while I was confused. Leo went to Splinter's room while the others went to theirs and Mikey told me to go to mine. When I got in, some door closed and it was dark for a while and a red light went on. I then heard some doors crash open and heard chattering. They sound really mad and there was more crashing.

Suddenly, doors was broken open and I heard the guys fighting. Someone crashed open my door and I was a uniformed man in front of me. I panicked and he fell. Behind him was Raph and he grabbed me and carried me to Splinter's room. I looked around and I saw the things I saw when I was meditating with Leo. Splinter was sitting calmly but frightened. Before he even got a sound out of his mouth, more men in uniforms broke in. I saw on their jackets I saw letters that saw F.BI. and T.G.R.I. Nobody got their weapons out, but Mikey gave me my bladed fans and his face was written with fear and sadness at the same time.

"Rose," he whispered "ya gotta get out of here. There is a secret passage out of here."

"No. I'm not leaving you guys."

"You have to. Now go."

Raph jumped at the first gaurd he saw and Mikey pushed me to a wall and he pressed a brick and the wall opened. He pushed me in and I tried to get back to him, but the wall closed. I banged on the wall, screaming and crying for the wall to open.

"MIKEY!!!! RAPH!!!! DONNIE!!!! LEO!!!! SPLINTER!!!!"

From behind the wall, I heard screaming, crashing, and..............gun shots. I tried to find a way back in, but I couldn't find anything. Suddenly, it was quiet. I stood still, waiting for more noise, for the guys to open the wall and telling me it was safe. But nothing happened. I then heard voices, but it wasn't the guys, it was the men. They were trying to break the wall open when I heard the wall was cracking up a bit. I ran away and I tried to use my bladed fans to find a way out of the passafe way. I saw light on the ceiling up ahead and I climbed out of it. Once I was out, I found an old belt that would fit me. I tied it around me and I stuck my double bladed fans in. I saw the news truck and I listened in on the woman that was talking to the camera.

"The F.B.I. and  T.G.R.I are workking together for the creatures that lives in the city of New York. The person that told about the creatures is this sixteen year old boy named Jacob Martin. Tell me Mr. Martin, how did you knew there were creatures living in the sewers."

"Well, I was in my room when one of the creatures barged in and took me. It was about to kill me and I knew I needed to do something. Luckily, I got away and I followed it and it went to the sewers."

"And I just got informed that they have found five of them right now. Let's take a look at them."

The F.B.I. and the T.G.R.I. men got out of the man hole and they pulled out Leo, Splinter,Donnie, Mikey, and Raph.

"Wait, there should be one more."

"Young man, the other one got away, but we will find it."

After the news was over, I followed Jacob and he went into his apartment. I climed to his window and knocked on it. He was shocked and he was running to the phone that was next to his bed. I broke in and cut the cord with the sharp end of my fans. I heard his parents coming and I grabbed him and dragged him to the abandon building I kept on coming. I dropped him on his ass and I heard him yelling for help. I yelled at him back saying,



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