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  • Dedicated to Nikita

This is a song meant for anyone who's ever felt like this. I'll be posting it on YouTube when I have the tune all worked out. Stay strong, someone cares, I promise.

To them it's just teasing

To them it is pleasing

They just like feeling


It's okay, I understand

I'll take you by the hand

We'll find a better land


They laugh

They joke

They whistle

They poke

To them it's all in good fun

What they don't realise

Is that bravery is a disguise

You wear long sleeves for a reason

And you try your hardest to please them

It's okay, I understand

I'll take you by the hand

We'll find a better land


You cry

You lie

You try

To die

But then you feel cowardly

You don't want to give up

You don't want to break down

But sometimes you don't have a choice

It's okay, I understand

I'll take you by the hand

We'll find a better land


Someone tells you they know

What you're going through

And you can only shake your head

As your heart fills with dread

It's okay, I understand

I'll take you by the hand

We'll find a better land


Then you can't take it

Your patience is breaking

From all of their hating

It's true

You pick up a knife

Preparing to slice

Cause you think it's right

To give up the fight

But don't

Please don't

Pick up that knife


Please don't

Take your precious life

It's okay, I understand

I'll take you by the hand

We'll find a better land


It's okay, you can talk to me

On your side I'll always be

I know that what you need

Is just someone to see

It's okay, I understand

I'll take you by the hand

We'll find a better land

Somewhere, someday.

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