Viktor Nikiforov

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My parents sending me off to college was probably the most unexpected thing I've experienced as a 20-year-old. My parents were always nagging me about going; which only made it seem less desirable. I hated school, and barely made it out of highschool with all my limbs still intact. The fact that I had just been planted in a college, forced me to change my attitude towards schooling though. Sure, I had to throw my favorite pair of iceskates at my parents' mini van to alleviate my frustration, but I assumed I'd survive at least one semester.

I flipped my parents off as they drove back home, over 200 miles away, leaving me stranded with all my luggage and 500 dollars cash. They promised me that if my grades stayed higher than C's all semester, that they'd give me 500 dollars cash each month, which I preferred not to pass up.

I was brought to my apartment 3 days prior to the start of classes, that way I could be settled. My parents have always been the type of people who consider being less than 5 minutes early, "late". I don't exactly agree with their reasoning, but it doesn't really bother me an awful lot. Also, the fact that I was early made the apartment complex considerably peaceful; minus a few seniors conversing on a bench in front of my apartment building. The campus was almost a ghost town. Eerie. I was staying in the West Campus Apartment Complex, Apartment building D, room 25. The journey to my room was difficult enough without me having to haul luggage up four flights of stairs. Trip one was decent enough, trip two was exhausting, and trip three was a COMPLETE suicide mission. I still had one more load, but the risk of me vomiting on the first flight of stairs was too high, so I decided to rest my body a minute. It was the first day of September, so it wasn't extremely hot or deathly cold either. The leaves rustled in the trees, hanging on for dear life, soon they'd give up and slowly float to the ground pitifully. Pathetic. The wind suddenly picked up, sending an immense amount of leaves straight for me. Ugh. I let them struggle at their undying attempt to smother me. Like I said... Pathetic.

I finally manned up after a half hour, and faced my fate. I hauled the last load of my luggage up in front of my apartment door, and let me say, I'd never been so grateful to be leaning against a wall relaxing. DING. I turned to see one of the seniors from earlier walk out of an elevator to his room.

"THERE'S A DAMN ELEVATOR!" I bashed my forehead against the wall, shortly considering jumping out the window to my left. Damn it. I facepalmed myself one last time before unlocking my apartment. my apartment was considerably large, it contained two small bedrooms (A roommate?) , a kitchen, and a decently sized living room. I dragged all my boxes in, and unpacked in one of the bedrooms. My clothes box was the first to be sorted out, next, my TV, movies, and home entertainment, then my home decor, and finally my box of miscellaneous items. My apartment was really starting to feel like home.

BZZZZZZZT! My phone alarm want off, waking me Up.
"Damn it! One more minute!" My alarm was a bitch. It was the day before classes, you know, the day when everyone decides to move their asses in. I hadn't even poured my coffee before- BANG! My door swung open, revealing a tall, tan man with jet black hair.

"Heyyy! I'm Jean-Jacques Leroy! But you can call me JJ!" He exclaimed, using his fingers to form two makeshift j's.

"I'm Viktor Nikiforov." I informed him smiling sarcastically while making a makeshift V with my two middle fingers. I immediately went back to pouring my coffee. I took a small sip and it took every muscle in my body to not vomit.

"What in GOD'S NAME is THIS?" I shouted, catching JJ off guard.

"Jesus Christ, you almost made me piss myself!" JJ joked. I grabbed my coffee grounds and examined the bag.

"DECAF! Is my mother BRAINDEAD?" I had my mother help me buy supplies, but little did I know, she had the audacity to pull such a prank! By now, JJ was rolling around on the floor laughing his ass off like a filthy fucking animal. I gave up and went back to bed.

"Good morning April Sunshine!" JJ screeched in my ear. I was so startled that I sat straight up and we bashed our heads together. JJ fell off the bed, and I blacked out for a moment.

"Damn... "JJ used the bed to prop himself back up.
"That's JJ style!" He exclaimed making the two finger j's laughing, I, on the other hand, was unamused.

"Thanks for the fucking concussion, get off me." JJ frowned due to my lack of enjoyment from his idiotic, meaningless j's, I'd assume.

"It's six, I thought I'd wake you up so you at least ate something today besides coffee." At least he had a legitimate reason to wake me. Barely.

"Thanks I guess." He gave me an awkward smile and urged me to follow him. I saw no reason why not, besides the fact that it required me to get my ass out of bed. We walked to the kitchen where two plates of spaghetti awaited our arrival. It wasn't until I could smell the gluttonous treat, that I noticed the emptiness of my stomach knawing on my insides. While JJ was saying some shitty prayer, I was feeding my fat Russian face, not that I'm obese...

The rest of the night was a blur as I woke up after passing out on the soft, tan sofa. I went to sit up, and noticed that I was underneath an unconscious JJ. I looked to the window as the sun began to rise- almost fucking blinding me. Might as well get up, now that my eyes are probably permanently fucked up for the rest of my sucky ass life.

"Get up bonehead!" I yelled at JJ. No response.

"Fine. You chose the hard way!" I managed to move my left leg inbetween JJ's legs.

"Last DAMN CHANCE JJ!" Still silent. Hopefully he doesn't try to beat my ass after this. I snickered. Quickly (but not too forcefully), I kneed JJ in the crotch. Not hard enough to hurt him, but hopefully enough to wake him.

"HOLYSHITOHMYGODWHATTHEHELL!" JJ fell off the couch... Dragging ME with him. After the fall he began to rant too fast to make out most words. I gave him a moment to grasp on to the iron rod of reality before speaking.

"Next time, wake up." I warned. He groaned in dissatisfaction. He asked if I wanted coffee, but quickly changed the idea into just walking with him to the campus' Starbucks. My first class was in an hour though, so I had to book it. I threw on an old Star Wars tee, black skinny jeans, and pulled him out the door.

We decided to grab something to eat after Starbucks so we ran to Panera, which was conveniently located right outside my first class. JJ wished me luck and ran off to go fuck around before his class. I, however, had other plans. I walked into class 15 minutes early to get a good seat in the back.

"Hey!" Some guy walked over next to me and exclaimed.


"This seat taken?" He asked, pointing to the seat on my left. I shook my head and he sat down. His hair was black like JJ's except messier, he was a little paler too, and not quite as tall, but my height... No, shorter.

"I'm Yuuri, Yuuri Katsuki." He wasn't relatively quiet, but he wasn't "JJ style" loud either. Maybe I can actually stand this guy. Probably not. Don't get high hopes you filthy bastard, I warned myself.

"I'm Viktor Nikiforov." I nodded at him, acknowledging his frail existence. This guy is weird... I mean... I actually can stand this guy... How... Yuuri smiled at me to ease the tension I think. I (kind of) smiled back at him... quickly.

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