Back To School

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"Come on, Freddy! We'll be super late!" Fred yelled at his brother.
"But I'm still sleepy,"
"Knock it off! You'll fall asleep on the ground!"
They were already walking to school, but Freddy was so slow that he was delaying them.
"Freddy, this is school we're talking about. But if you don't hurry up, I'll dump you in that nearby trash bin," Gold threatened. "Is that a threat!?" Freddy suddenly bolted awake, causing Gold to smirk and walk off. Freddy muttered something about sleep and adrenaline. Then, he and Fred followed Gold on the way to school.

Bonnie and Bonbon walked to school quietly, nothing to talk about. The silence was deafening and all they could hear was their own footsteps. "This is boring," Bonbon suddenly said, breaking the silence. "And I'm sure what's ahead of us will be, too."
"What's wrong with school, Bonbon?" Bonnie asked, not noticing the glare Bonbon casted at him.
"It's boring! And don't call Bonbon!"
Bonbon never liked his real name, he preferred T-Bone. Something he thought would be more cooler than a fluffy bread name.
"Fine," Bonnie turned away and they continued walking. The uncomfortable silence followed them.

Chica walked, making her steps as heavy as she could for Chickee was annoying her. Chickee was babbling all about girlish stuff like make-up, clothes, boyfriends and stuff. Chica was hoping Carl and Cherry, their cousins, would come faster. She and Chickee were meeting them on the way. Chica smiled as she saw the two twin figures across the street. "Carl! Cherry!" Chica called.
"Chica!" Carl ran to his favorite cousin, leaving Cherry to run over to Chickee.
"Excited?" Chica asked the fifth grade boy.
"Super! Cherry's been bothering me the whole time, though," Carl complained, glancing at his twin with disgust.
"I could just say the same about Chickee,"Chica laughed, glancing at her own sister. She and Carl laughed, on their way to school, Chickee and Cherry tailing them with their own conversation.

"Yeh brough' all yer books?" Foxy asked.
"Yes," Mangle answered.
"Pen n' paper?"
"Ready fer introduction?"
"I think,"
"Yeh will listen teh yer teacher?"
"I will,"
"Make friends?"
"I-I guess,"
"Yeh have teh, ye'll do feyn. Keep tha' in mind and everythin' will go yer way," Foxy grinned lousily at her and shuffled her hair. They were the kind of siblings that loved each other dearly. He was the kind of brother who'd be the clown and act all childish and stupid just for fun. She was the kind of sister that would laugh at every joke, smile to encourage, and listen to every problem. They were the kind of siblings everyone would want to be. Together, they walked to school, talking about what they'd do what they won't.

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