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I woke up with a headache and feeling so stupid because I could have been with Justin Ray and then I did not even get the check! I stayed in the bed for a while before I got up because I did not want to miss the morning presentation on 'How to Deal with Challenging Parents' that I needed to see. I wasn't ready to call him yet and ask about the check. I didn't know whether he would still give me the money since I turned him down. Lord, knows we needed that money but I wasn't going to compromise myself for it, no matter how sexy he was.

As I took out my dress to steam while I was in the shower, my cell rung. I screamed when I saw his number!

"Good morning. It would be a better morning if I woke up next to you." He flirted.

"Morning to you." I blushed.

"Hey, I want to see you again and you got to see me because I forgot to give you the check. When are you done with your conference today?"

I couldn't believe he wanted to see me again after I pretty much rejected him. "Um I am supposed to be done by four."

"Ok. I want you to stay with me until you leave for home."

"Excuse me?"

"I have already arranged for the penthouse in your hotel or you can stay with my at my home. My preference is my home. I can have your bags brought upstairs or to my home. Your choice."

"Woah, so its already been arranged? What if I said 'no'?" I wasn't sure what emotion I was feeling right now because this was happening too fast.

"No is not an option. We don't have to have sex but you have to stay with me while you are here. Call whoever you need so that they know where you are and if they need proof I can give it to them. You are safe with me. I will take care of you." He said with so much confidence that I knew I was in serious trouble.

Lord help me! This man really wants me! I might as well let it go and stop fighting myself because his perseverance was helping my ego big time and making it hard for me to stay away. My feelings were just too strong to ignore. If this man who could have any woman he wanted and he chose me even for only a week then I am about to enjoy whatever this week brings. "In that case, have your people move my things to your home because that would be my preference too. Have them come pick me up at the Radisson hotel downtown where the conference is held for two pm." I decided that I would be bold and confident as well.

"Ok." He said softly. I could not tell if he liked my new attitude or was thinking he made the biggest mistake of his life and there would be no car waiting for me. " Don't eat lunch, ok? I want to feed you. So you can leave before four? I thought you needed to be there until then."

I didn't tell him I needed to be there until at least four but since I wanted to immediately go to his home and screw the conference, I thought leaving two hours earlier was a good compromise. It took all of my self restraint not to tell him to come get me now. He sounded so sexy on the phone. "Yes. I will be done by then and I will not eat, I promise. But you better have something good." Not that I would probably eat because my stomach hurt so bad with anticipation of seeing him.

After over an hour trying to pick the right outfit which was basically useless, since I was planning to do nothing but go to seminars and have room service and my clothes reflected that. So, I just went for a basic black wrap dress and sparkly flat sandals. I was so glad that I recently got my hair braided in front and loose curls in back so that was one less thing to worry about. The time at the conference rolled by so slowly that I thought I would not make it. Every topic that I could not wait to attend before I came to Atlanta was so boring to me now. When it was finally two o'clock, I hurried outside and I saw a car waiting for me. The driver was standing outside with my name written on the card. I had always seen this in the movies and always wished that it could happen to me. I went to the car, the driver tilted his cap toward me and opened the back passenger door. I slid in and almost screamed when I realized Justin was in the car. "Oh my God! You scared me. I just assumed you would be at your house."

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