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Some people say that your life flashes before your eyes when something life threatening happens, but how would I know? Nothing life threatening has happened to me, I was an average american in her 20s living the life she had always pictured. Dean's list in the college of her dreams, amazing and fantastic boyfriend by her side, and a pretty well-balanced social life.

Here I was, juggling an almost impossible life, with school and friends and Paul. My life had seemed almost perfect. I knew that a "perfect" life was unimaginable because everyone's definition of perfect was exceedingly different.

But, my definition of perfect was almost exactly what my real life was. And that's all that mattered, right? Wrong.

I had been taught all wrong. My old definition was not perfect. Nothing about my old life was perfect. Until I met him, I had nothing. No adventure, no action, no goosebumps running down my spine.

I had lived a typical life before him. Average isn't good enough, it should never be good enough. But I ignored it, let the "averageness" sink in, I let it take over.

But he, he changed all my "averageness" and made it exceptionally remarkable. Here I was this plain "old Joe," with a life I was taught to be ideal. And then he comes, and I'm not just some plain girl you see who blends in with the crowd.

I'm the one singing on the table in bars, I'm the one dancing in nothing but a bra and underwear in my living room with the curtains wide open, I'm the one who makes people turn their heads. I'm the one.

All things must stop. When you die, all your organs stop, when you finish the horror movie, your nerves and adrenaline stop. Because everything must stop, and in this case, it ended with a crash.

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